Focused like a laser on inanity

Count on the UN to get its priorities straight:

UN to discuss resolution demanding that Israel halt West Bank settlement construction

Here’s the short reason – via Meryl – that this settlements are irrelevant:

In other words, give us everything we want and then some, and maybe we’ll talk peace after that. The Arab position hasn’t changed. They said no in 1948, again in 1967, and have been saying no to peace with Israel for over 60 years.

Let’s remember that next time some moron insists that it’s “settlements” that are stopping the peace process. No, it’s Arab irredentism and rejectionism of Israel.

Here’s a slightly longer reason – via Barry Rubin:

That’s a pretty horrendous scenario, right? But that is basically the situation we face regarding the absurd belief that the Arab-Israeli, or more immediately, the Israeli-Palestinian, conflict can be resolved at this time.

So let me say it again: despite the mountains of speeches, conferences, articles, committees, foundation grants, projects, currencies of every description, and policies expended on it, there is no solution in sight for the conflict. It will continue for decades, Hamas is not about to become moderate, even Fatah and the Palestinian Authority (PA), which few reporters can even mention without inserting the word moderate before their names, isn’t anywhere near moderate enough to make peace.

If you examine in detail the composition of the PA or Fatah, the nature of its leadership, the articles in its newspapers or the talking heads in its television shows, the slogans at its rallies, the contents of its textbooks, the themes of its officially appointed clerics sermons, and so on, the combined inability and unwillingness to make peace could not possibly be more obvious.

Lest you think that the UN is singularly obsessed with Israel, you’ll be happy to know (thanks to Daled Amos) that the UN has found another horrid violator of human rights.

Somehow though the oppression in Zimbabwe hasn’t warranted their attention.(via memeorandum)

In the meantime the UN will just continue to pass irrelevant resolutions condemning Israel when, in fact, the Palestinians are a greater threat to themselves than Israel is and much greater oppression is going on elsewhere.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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