Hamas, Al Qaeda, what’s the difference?

The EU and others keep insisting that Hamas is an organization that will become less violent as it is brought into the political process.

But Hamas publishes a children’s newspaper, and in that newspaper, Hamas calls on Muslims to “liberate” Spain from the rule of the infidel. (Arabic link)

Sure. They’re definitely going to change their tactics once they get control of the PA, and the billions of dollars in international aid that comes with. I’m sure not a penny of that aid will be spent on weapons and bombs.

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2 Responses to Hamas, Al Qaeda, what’s the difference?

  1. When the terror groups “accidentally” kill a few more Western journalists, maybe that will knock some sense into them.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Of course not a penny. MBillions of dollars is not a penny.

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