Closing the crossings again

Another mortar, another truce violation, another pretend measure. The crossings are closed, but they’ll reopen, and the mortars will resume.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak ruled Monday against the reopening of Israel’s goods crossings with Gaza on Tuesday, in wake of Sunday’s mortar fire on Israel.

Palestinian gunmen fired a mortar shell at Karni crossing on noon Sunday. The rocket landed in an open area near the crossing causing no injuries or damage.

Barak’s order came just 48 hours after Israel reopened the crossings, in accordance to the ceasefire agreement brokered with the militant groups in the Gaza Strip.

Really, what’s the point? Barak isn’t going in in force, Olmert won’t order the IDF into Gaza in force, and Hamas is using the “truce” to re-arm, train, and regroup.

One of the main reasons Barak doesn’t want to go in is because there is no exit strategy. I read some time ago that the IDF thinks it’s pointless to go into Gaza without a plan for what happens after they’re done rooting out the Hamas infrastructure. Who will run Gaza? What happens after the IDF leaves? What if Hamas regroups?

Hello? Is this thing on? Leave. There will be that many fewer terrorists left to murder Israelis. Let Hamas lick their wounds. Because in the past, when the IDF has gone after Hamas in force, Hamas has sued for a real truce.

But hey, what do I know? I’m just an observer who gets to write the same posts over and over again. Think I’m kidding? Go look in my archives.

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One Response to Closing the crossings again

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Go in and kill all the Hamas swine you can catch, driving any survivors out. There are tribes in Gaza, as in all other Muslim lands. Tell the Gazans that the tribal sheikhs are now in charge. Any terror or other attacks on Israel or Israelis from Gaza will result in the sheikh from the area it originated from being killed and his rival put in place. Let them govern how they want, including Sharia if that appeals to them (I’ll bet it won’t for long). Just keep the peace, and you’ll be OK, tribal sheikhs. Otherwise, throat-slitting time.

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