Authority without accountibility

After Arafat died, a number of news articles appeared reporting on how pragmatic Hamas politicians were. The gist of the articles was that though Hamas was known as a terrorist organization, there was no denying that the politicians from Hamas were excellent administrators, who were only working for the betterment of the Palestinians.

Consider this or this. The level of credulity is astonishing. The media, aware of the popularity of Hamas went into deep denial mode. If Hamas is popular it can’t because its sworn to Israel’s destruction and launches terror attacks against Israeli civilians. If that’s true what does that say about the peaceful intentions of the Palestinians who support Hamas?! It must be that they’re popular because Hamas is honest whereas Fatah was corrupt.

Of course over the intervening years we’ve read how Hamas smuggles huge sums of money into Gaza or how it intimidates Christians and journalists or how it attacks the Nahal Oz terminal, and anyone who’s the least bit aware must realize that Hamas is likely no more honest than Fatah.

Though I disagree with some of his analysis, I felt some vindication when I read this observation by Gen. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak:

Since its takeover of Gaza, the organization has replaced Fatah in terms of corruption. Hamas members and officers are the only people with gas in their vehicles; they have the best jobs, and seem to be doing fine while the rest of the population struggles. Although it has made improvements in terms of law and order, Hamas does not offer much to the people.

Lesson: when you give terrorist thugs authority with no accountability they will be corrupt.

Related thoughts from Barry Rubin.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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