A modest Saudi proposal

Elder of Ziyon tells the story of Shaymaa Samir Qudeih:

Shaymaa Samir Qudeih is a brilliant student attending school in Saudi Arabia. She has received top honors from her high school in Jeddah, and she ranked eighth in all of Saudi Arabia in her science exam, gaining a score of 99.76%. Her dream was to go to the King Abdulaziz University medical school in Jeddah to become a doctor.

But she was rejected – because she is considered a “Palestinian.”

This would be a perfect opportunity for the State Department to designate Ms.Qudeih a “Fullbright scholar.” Yes, I know that her father doesn’t want her to study abroad. But that’s really besides the point. By granting her a Fullbright scholarship, the State Department would it’s true concern for the plight of the Palestinians. Then the State Department could give the details of the young lady’s plight to the New York Times, which would certainly run a number of front page stories about her and an editorial decrying her exclusion from Saudi schools. It would energize opposition groups in Saudi Arabia to protest the discrimination against Ms. Qudeih. With this ruckus, Saudi Arabia’s free press could get in on the act, demanding justice for Ms. Qudeih and all Palestinians living in the kingdom. Finally King Abdullah would be so embarrassed by all the negative publicity generated by his country’s institutional discrimination he’d be forced to relent allow Ms. Qudeih to attend a Saudi school that she is qualified for.

Yeah. Right.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

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I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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