Ingrid Betancourt: Work for Shalit’s release

Ingrid Betancourt is on the right side of the Gilad Shalit issue.

“People all over the world should work for the release of Gilad Shalit. If we adopt globalization for financial goals, the struggle for the release of kidnapped people should also be global,” Betancourt told Yedioth Ahronoth on Tuesday.

“If people all over the world work for Gilad Shalit’s release, he will be freed,” she added.

Yeah, that concept has two immediate problems. One, the world will not work for the release of an Israeli prisoner, and two, especially not an Israeli soldier. They don’t look at it as an illegal kidnapping, even though it is. They look at it as just desserts for an “occupier” by “freedom fighters.”

But it’s good to hear someone else say that Hamas is made up of a bunch of thugs.

Betancourt made her statement during a UN-sponsored symposium on terror victims. And of course, the Arab world had to criticize the nerve of the UN calling a terrorist a terrorist, by trying to insert their Bizarro world view on things.

The symposium garnered criticism by several Arab representatives, who protested that the symposium was biased because it had not invited Palestinian victims of ‘Israeli terror’ to speak.

In late August, an Arab group led by Palestinian Ryadh Mansour met with Orr, reported the Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA) to complain about the UN “lack of transparency” in organizing the event and demand that Palestinian victims be invited to attend.

“Our position is that if Israel is going to be invited to participate with victims, Palestine has to be invited with victims too because nobody suffered as much as the Palestinians from Israel’s state terrorism and from the Jewish settlers,” Mansour told KUNA.

Yeah. More Mad Hatter material from the world’s biggest victims. I’m actually amazed that the UN didn’t cave.

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