CAIR’s victimology in action

C-SPAN has been playing tapes of the Muslim Public Affairs Council convention that took place last month. I’ve now heard from three speakers, all of whom have gone on about how much 9/11 damaged the image of Muslims in the United States. Over and over again, the theme is: We’re being victimized because we are Muslims. Wah, wah, wah, blah, blah, blah.

Yet during the “State of the Union” speech by Edina Lekovic (I’m guessing she’s a convert) we get this factoid: 56% of American Muslims felt no conflict between American and Muslim identities.

Gee. Good to know that only 44% of American Muslims don’t feel very American.

Guess what, bubelah? I feel zero conflict between my American and Jewish identities, because I’m an American Jew.

Another factoid: 70% say they noticed hostility from the general American public. Yeah, y’know, when you have a conference where speaker after speaker talks about the hostility towards Muslims after 9/11, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Interestingly, she did point out one thing: That most of the “extremists” are immigrants. Yeah, we know. They’re the ones the government is keeping an eye on.

And that’s what pisses off MPAC and CAIR the most.

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One Response to CAIR’s victimology in action

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    Joe Wilson (yes, THAT Joe Wilson) delivered the keynote address for this MPAC convention.

    No surprise there.

    Wilson makes no secret of his contempt for Israel and comes across as a quintessential Foggy Bottom Arabist. He’s an asshole and it looks like he’s found his crowd.

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