
Since it’s a holiday for most of us, we’re going to take a break for some cat pictures.

First, we have Tig on the sofa, in his standard position, with that beautiful, fluffy tail hanging down.

Tig on the sofa

Next, Miss Gracie, taking a yawn and a stretch near one of her favorite places: The railing near my office. She’s taken to sleeping near me while I work.

Gracie at the rail

Over to Mr. Tig, who is helping me make the bed.

Tig on the bed

He helps me do that a lot, and then I have to dig him out from under the covers.

Tig under the covers

Gracie doesn’t see what all the fuss is about. She waits until the bed is made, then luxuriates in it.

Gracie on the bed

After a while, Tig gets over wanting to dig under the blankets and we get a two bedcat picture.

Tig joins Gracie on the bed

Last, but not least, this is a sight I see pretty much every day: Tig lying in wait for me on the steps. He wants me to throw a toy up or down, or if that doesn’t happen, he’s perfectly fine trying to grab my leg as I step over him. I think he’s looking at a twist-tie in this picture.

Tig on the stairs

I see I really have been remiss in putting up cat pictures. These ought to hold even Rahel for a while.

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5 Responses to Kittypalooza

  1. Jay Tea says:

    That is, indeed, a magnificent tail. The finest tail I’ve seen since… well, never mind.

    But I’m betting Tig doesn’t expect me to show up with a stack of $1 bills.


  2. Rahel says:

    Thank you, Meryl! Kitty magnificence indeed!

    Gracie and Tig shine. You don’t even need to light your menorah — just have them lie down near it and you’ll have all the glow you need!

  3. Pamela says:

    Happy, content and well loved are Mr Tig and Miss Gracie

    my new Orange baby found his way into the tree

  4. TMA says:

    >These ought to hold even Rahel
    >for a while.

    Personally, this only whets my appetite, reminding me how much I love seeing pictures of your cats [or, for that matter, any cats]. Post more, soon, please!

    Of course, I’ll enjoy anything you post — but wow, you have great cats!

  5. Yes, I do. They’re very photogenic. Wait for the weekend: I have amazing pictures of each of them. You know how you take a hundred pictures and you get one really good one? Well, I got two out of the last few hundred I took.

    They’re going up on Caturday.

    It’s nap time here at the Yourish household. For them, anyway.

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