Be-yon-d Kristof

Ain’t Nick’s at it again. Kristof recently wrote:

President Bush’s problem was that he loved Israel too much. He embraced Israeli leaders even when they responded to provocations by killing more than 1,300 people in Gaza, according to Gaza health officials — in retaliation for shelling that had killed fewer than 30 Israelis since it began in 2001.

He, of course, doesn’t consider how many of the dead might have been those responsible, in one way or another of launching those rockets. For Kristoff Israel is wrong for defending itself.

Michael Yon observes something entirely different.

It is simply astounding that many foreign governments do not see this for what it is. Good Muslims are murdered by Muslim extremists in probably dozens of countries, yet certain European governments insist that there is some sort of moral equivalence between Hamas and the democracy called Israel. At this conference, I hear incredulous Jews who are concerned that their soldiers and political leaders might be charged with war crimes and arrested if they travel to Europe. This is just one example of the racism that vexes Europe and keeps it behind where it could be. Imagine for a moment that Cuba were launching missiles at Florida. We would sink their navy, shoot down their air force, wipe out their army, and kill Castro. Yet thousands of rockets have been raining down on Israel, while many members of the international community demand that Israel do nothing. These rockets are advertised to be small and not much of a nuisance, but each one carries about 15 times more explosives than a hand grenade. Hamas favors launching the rockets when kids are going to or coming from school. Clearly they are trying to murder the children who are growing up under attack. The Israelis have proven time and again that they will choose peace if given a chance. Hamas, when given a chance, chooses war.

(via memeorandum)

To Yon’s question, “How Can the World Be Blind to Israel’s Existential Threats?” Instapundit responds:

I THINK THE ANSWER IS, “because they don’t care what happens to Israel.”

Kristof’s column is merely Exhibit 1,678,359 of that.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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One Response to Be-yon-d Kristof

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    I would disagree with Instapundit. If they did not care, they would ignore it. I think that they want Hamas to succeed. They are upset that Israel will not tak the Jim Jones method in response.

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