Once more, with feeling: Hamas’ big NO

Hamas, once again, has publicly declared it will never recognize Israel. Once again, I expect to see various politicos insisting that Hamas will “moderate” its stance now that it has to govern.

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – A top Hamas official said the militant group will not recognize Israel but will abide, for now, by past agreements Palestinian leaders made with the Jewish state. He also lashed out at the more moderate Fatah party for refusing to participate in a national unity Palestinian government.

The comments by Moussa Abu Marzouk, the right-hand man to Hamas’ political leader Khaled Mashaal, came as Hamas leaders from Syria and Palestinian areas gathered here and began talks Monday with Egyptian officials after the group’s stunning election victory.

In a statement, Abu Marzouk blamed the Fatah movement for refusing to participate in a national unity government, which Hamas wants to form to avoid an Israeli veto on it.

“We will act in the legal framework to get out from this deadlock, which our brothers in Fatah have put us in,” Abu Marzouk told reporters late Sunday.

Abu Marzouk said any government set up by Hamas “will not make security arrangements with Israeli or hand over (Palestinians) who fire rockets (on Israel).” He also insisted the group would not recognize Israel.

Say, New York Times. Say, Washington Post. Ya think maybe you’re wrong about these guys?


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3 Responses to Once more, with feeling: Hamas’ big NO

  1. scottage says:

    OK, I guess I’m the first politico, though I don’t know exactly what that means. I don’t know for sure if Hamas will recognize Israel when the time is right and when it benefits them. I do know that right now there is no advantage for Hamas to recognize Israel, and much disadvantage as far as their perception in the Muslim world. I don’t know what they’ll do when we get to negotiation time, but I do know that Hamas wont do anything until there’s something to be gained by it.

  2. Li'l Mamzer says:


    I don’t know for sure if Hamas will recognize Israel when the time is right and when it benefits them.

    How about never? Mohammed himself, eating a BLT, will fly out of my butt before Hamas “recognizes” Israel.

    I do know that right now there is no advantage for Hamas to recognize Israel, and much disadvantage as far as their perception in the Muslim world.

    Advantage? Like full flow of foreign aid? Like a real future for Palestinian Arabs, and a real peace? Naaah, no advantage there.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    Hamas believes they are on a roll. Today Gaza, tomorrow Tel Aviv. Their program is destruction of Israel and genocide of its Jewish population. They are explicit and open about it, and that is why the Palis voted for them. They think they are within sight of their goal. All they have to do is keep up the terrorism and ratchet it higher. As long as Iran and the Wahhabist Entity keep funneling money in (and maybe patsy Euros as well) they can buy the allegiance of the Pali gunmen. Being a terrorist is a rational career move in the Middle East, although I suspect the retirement plan and fringe benefits are not as good as, say, working for Nestle.

    Perhaps Hamas will offer to compromise with Israel, even sign a Treaty of Hudabiya like Arafat did at Oslo, but only when there is a knife at their throat and the alternative is death. At that point Israel should just go ahead and cut the throat of Hamas, for there will never be any good faith from them, any more than we have seen from Fatah since Oslo.

    Hamas’ motto is Aut Caesar aut nihil. If it comes to a choice of Israel nihil or the Palis nihil, it should be the latter. Let them seek refuge among their “Arab Brothers” who have used them as terrorist cannon fodder until they see no other future for themselves, nor want any.

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