What? Good news briefs?

Good news from Russia? Russia has yet to supply Iran with the sophisticated anti-aircraft defenses that would make it more difficult to take out Iran’s nuclear program. Mind you, I know almost nothing about weaponry, but I do hope that post-Communist Russia’s defense industry is as bad overall as Communist Russia’s was, as American- and Israel-made weaponry is far superior.

Good news about Durban? The United States will not attend the racism, oops, anti-racism conference being held on Hitler’s birthday (yes, really). However, since the decision was announced to “prominent Jewish leaders,” expect Ahmadinejad (who will be attending and no doubt speaking) to attribute this move to Zionist control of the U.S. (Your check is in the mail, Obama.)

Good news about Hizbullah? Egypt is really, really pissed at Hizbullah, and it looks like the war will escalate beyond calling Nasrallah Monkey Boy (though I prefer Chipmunk Cheeks). Hey, cook up the popcorn and watch it unfold, ladies and gents. This could be an awesome show.

Not good news, just funny: Iran is whining to the UN about Israel saying mean things to it. Evidently, it’s just peachy to call for an end to “the Zionist regime,” but not for the selfsame entity to threaten to destroy Iran’s nukes. Ah, the never-changing hypocrisy of the Arab and Muslim world. It’s good to know you can always depend on it.

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One Response to What? Good news briefs?

  1. Veeshir says:

    I watch LinkTv on DirectTV, it’s on channel 375 at 10:30 every weeknight.
    They show clips from news shows in the middle east and some other Muslim countries if
    there’s someing interesting going on there.
    They covered the Egypt getting angry at Hezbollah thing on Al Jazeera. That struck me as
    very odd. The Egyptians weren’t just going after Hez, they were talking about Iran.
    I would guess Iran’s nukes are scaring Egypt and Saudi Arabia far more than they’re scaring
    the EUnuchs.

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