A nice, relaxing day

Since Sarah’s out of town, I spent the day with her family. Of course.

She asked me to help out by taking Jake to a bar mitzvah this morning, which entailed my picking him up after dinner last night and bringing him here to spend the night. There was much time spent on the Wii, of course, both last night and this morning. I dropped Jake off, and ran errands for the next several hours. Then we had lunch and decided the day was simply too beautiful to waste indoors, so we played miniature golf, and got rid of the tokens I’ve been hanging onto for months. Then back to his house to drop him off, get invited to dinner, stay for dinner, and hang with the family. The kids and I played card games. We played blackjack. They beat me. I taught the older boys poker. They beat me. We played War. They beat me. That’s when I stopped playing cards with Sarah’s kids. It’s a good thing we weren’t really playing for money.

What a nice, nice day after a rough, rough week. I was slammed with work, for one. But I was slammed with work on top of finding something frightening on an ultrasound on Wednesday, which was thankfully shown to be nothing serious during a CT scan on Thursday.

In fact, today’s the best I’ve felt, physically, in weeks and weeks and weeks.

Larry says I need to have regularly G. child-interaction therapy. I agree. Maybe I can get the twins next week.

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3 Responses to A nice, relaxing day

  1. John M. says:

    Wow, you really lucked out with that day. Congratulations. Your relationship with that family seems very valuable and I trust you will nurture it.

    “Do not dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatch’d, unfledged comrade. But those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel…”

    Hamlet, Act i, Scene 3

  2. Stretch says:

    Wait until you teach them to shoot and then have the joy as they score more bulls eyes than you. That’s real satisfaction!

  3. Bert says:

    Glad that the CT showed nothing serios.

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