Parsing the Iranian Hitler’s speech

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called yet again for the end of Israel, and is once more pretty much ignored by the mainstream media. However, I’d like to see the speech-parsers like Juan Cole parse this bit:

The website of the Iranian IRIB news agency quoted him as saying that, “The era of aggression of the Zionist regime and its supporters has come to an end” and emphasizing that “just as (Israel) was created, it can be dismantled.”

That’s pretty clearly a call for the end of Israel. And so is this:

The Iranian president called for a referendum in ‘Palestine’ and said that if Israel “doesn’t accept this humane solution, the might of nations will bury them underground and bring about justice.”

Much was made recently of Ahmadinejad saying he would accept the two-state solution if the Palestinians do. In fact, he said no such thing.

STEPHANOPOULOS: If the Palestinians sign an agreement with Israel, will Iran support it?

AHMADINEJAD: Whatever decision they take is fine with us. We are not going to determine anything. Whatever decision they take, we will support that. We think that this is the right of the Palestinian people, however we fully expect other states to do so as well.

[…] So in effect Ahmadinejad just said that he would never accept a two-state solution but why put that in clear words when the dumb Westerners can be left to interpret it as they wish.

Read the rest of the article to see how much Mad Mahmoud prevaricated, and how willing the world media is to misinterpret what he said. The gist of the matter, however, is that Ahmadinejad’s method of “legally” destroying Israel is to suggest a vote of all Palestinians and all Israelis—and by “all” he means every single Palestinian in the entire world, which population outnumbers Israelis—to establish either a country called “Palestine” or two nations called “Palestine” and Israel. Which way do you think that vote will go? It’s yet another version of the Arab do-over regarding Israel’s existence.

There’s also this charming piece about how Israel was created:

He denied Israel’s legitimacy, saying that “for 60 years, they have told lies and tried to defraud nations in order to create the germ called the Zionist regime” and added that “Zionism contributes nothing other than aggression, mass murder, terror and threats.”

And Intel microchips, firewalls, cell phones, IM technology, drip-irrigation technology, the camera pill, drugs for MS, among other amazing Israeli contributions to the world.

And there he goes with the germ thing again, repeating Hitlers words. Honestly, I think it’s deliberate. I would not be at all surprised to find out that Mad Mahmoud has a library of books about Hitler large enough to rival Pat Buchanan’s.

Welcome to just another day in Anti-Israel Land.

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