Harry Reid to Obama: Hello, Palestinians?

Good news from the Senate: They appear to be recovering from their Obama swoons, and willing to face the Obamanoids’ wrath. And of all people to lead the way, it’s the Senate Majority Leader.

The United States needs to back off Israel a little and put some pressure the Palestinians instead, US Senator and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told US President Barack Obama in a letter.

The letter arrived at the White House prior to a Thursday night between the president and special envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell, prior to the latter’s trip to Paris to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

[…] Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, wrote that he believes “negotiations will be successful only with a renewed commitment from the Palestinians to be a true partner in peace.”

“Arab states in the region must also act to support the peace process. All parties must recognize Israel’s right to exist, end terrorism, and respect previous agreements made with Israel,” he added in the letter.

Why, the next thing you know, Democrats will tell Obama that he’s wrong to link Iran’s nukes and Middle East peace.

“It is… vital (the peace) process not take away from your commitment to deal with the ongoing threat from Iran… I believe that resolving the problem of Iran’s nuclear program will help facilitate the Arab-Israeli peace process,” Reid wrote.

Awesome. Of course, this is going to be written off by the Walts and Freemans of the world as caving to—dun dun DUN—the Israel Lobby.

You know, someday I’m going to be able to write these pieces without any juvenile scorn or editorial remarks. But that is not this day.

I never thought I’d ever write this, but you go, Harry Reid!

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One Response to Harry Reid to Obama: Hello, Palestinians?

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    I may be overanalyzing Reid’s statement, perhaps out of shock that he’d actually say something like this, but all I can tell is that he seems to be saying that the Palestinians must make a renewed commitment to peace.

    I will be more impressed when he or anyone else says something about requiring the Palestinians to take actual, ascertainable steps. Perhaps, say, a lessening of the anti-Semitic and anti-Israel swill that spews out of pretty much every single available Palestinian source. Note I’m not suggesting the Palis should cut it out altogether; be nice but highly unlikely.

    Until Reid or anyone else in the administration or the Democratic leadership starts asking for deeds from the Palestinians rather than words, I will take their statements as pretty much meaningless.

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