
I’ll be on the road by the time this is posted, on my way to NJ for my nephew’s graduation party. I swear, he was only six last year. Maybe the year before last. But graduating high school? No way. That’s make me at least fifty. Oh. Wait.

Got an oil change before I left, getting up at the crack of dawn to be there by seven so that my condo could be invaded by a horde of Latina women bearing cleaning tools. One of the things I decided I would fit into my budget since buying the condo was a monthly housecleaning visit. I use a franchise called The Maids, who did such a great job on my old apartment, saving me a TON of work and not really costing very much. (The service more than paid for itself, as I got my full deposit back.) I’m a lousy housekeeper. I have known that about myself for ages. I swore that when I could afford it, I’d have people come in and clean. Thankfully, I can now keep that promise to myself. Last month, the cleaning crew remade my bed. That was embarrassing, because, well, I had already made my bed. It apparently was not done well enough to pass muster with The Maids. (Today, I simply forgot in the rush to get to the mechanic’s, so I’m not in the least bit embarrassed that they made my bed.)

There’s actually been quite an uptick in my life these last few years. I find myself frequently delighted and surprised that I actually live in my own home, and not someone else’s apartment. Especially today, when I look around and see the shiny, empty counters and the neat lines in the carpet, and the dust-free items on the mantel. Tig and Gracie love it here, too. Gracie has never seemed happier, and Tig is currently yowling for me to come back to the playroom (the guest room). But I’m off to bed, since I’m writing this post yesterday even though you’re reading it today. Ah, the beauties of scheduling.

I’ll be posting from New Jersey. Kim has those cute little Teacup Yorkies, so there may be pictures. Meantime, feel free to start talking up this blog again. After a long period of stagnation, I think I’m getting back to where we were when people actually, you know, talked it up in the comments here. Yes, I’ll be posting more kitty pictures. I wouldn’t dream of disappointing Tig and Gracie’s legion of fans.

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