No apologies

According to Ron Dermer, an adviser to PM Netanyahu, Israel will be engaged in non-apologetic public relations.

Israel Matzav comments|:

Does this mean that the Israeli government is actually going to tell the World that Jews have lived in Israel for 3,500 years, that the land was given to us by God himself, and that the ‘Palestinian’ interlopers didn’t start arriving here until the late 1800’s and have not been here since ‘Time Immemorial’? Does it mean that the State of Israel is finally going to tell the World that we are here because this is and has for 3,500 years been the Jewish country, and that we’re not here because the World feels guilty over the Holocaust?

If so, that would be major progress. Unfortunately, not everyone will be happy about it. As you might imagine, the Leftists who worship at the altar of the ‘peace process’ are terribly upset that Israel might take a proud and positive view of itself.

Daled Amos adds:

But when it comes to convincing Palestinian Arabs to accept that the Jews have a right to the land, you are leaving the area of opinion–which can be influenced–and entering the area of Islamic faith, which cannot. Combine with that the indoctrination done by Hamas in camps and on children’s TV shows and there is just not much that PR can do.

The fact is that the real target for Israeli PR must be world opinion, as Arab PR has made all too clear.

At least in the United States, Israel has a head start, consistently, over the years Americans have favored Israel over the Palestinians consistently by a margin of 3 or 4 to 1. (If the media weren’t biased, I’d expect that ratio would be more like 6 to 1 with a lot less undecideds.)

Powerline has more from Dermer here.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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One Response to No apologies

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    This is a hopeful sign, Dad. There is a lot that simply doesn’t get reported, such as the Jewish refugees from Arab countries. Or, which is not generally known among the general public, about offers to the Arabs in 1937, 1947, 1967, etc.

    Some of this will get past the media filter, the msn wedded to the narrative of the Palestinians as oppressed victims. I was a Labor Zionist back when Begin was first elected and I remember thinking that perhaps at least he’ll stop giving this “we’re Jewish so pardon us for living and defending ourselves” line but he really didn’t.

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