Pre-EATAPETA Day report

No traffic heading in, successful mission to pick up kosher meat, a nice dinner with Janet, Chris, and Ben, and home again. A bit of traffic heading south out of D.C., and to my astonishment, when the traffic report said it would stop around a bridge not far down 95, it did. By the time I was over the bridge, traffic picked up to 55 mph, and then up to speed limit.

And yum, kosher Chinese food.

Say, it turns out that there’s another month between March and May, which I seem to have forgotten about, so I’m going to run out of kosher food again before I make it up to NJ for Mother’s Day. One more run to Rockville, then, and probably time spent with my northern VA friends.

We had a surprise visit by Eric A. and his son. They couldn’t stay, but it was nice to finally meet.

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2 Responses to Pre-EATAPETA Day report

  1. Practice makes perfect.

  2. muse says:

    I didn’t realize how well organized you have to be to eat kosher. I’m spoiled here.

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