The election post-mortem

The Chicago Way spreads to Senate Dem races: Or, “Nice seat you have there. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to it.” and its sister and brother liberal groups are threatening moderate Democrats that they’re on their own come election time if they don’t jump the right way on Obamacare. Best part? The uber-libs are being ignored:

Moderates are not bowing to the liberal view of “how the world should be,” said Landrieu, adding that Democrats like her “want common sense to prevail.”

[…] The liberal blog said it was calling thousands of Nevada Democrats, urging them to support an opponent in the Democratic primary if Reid does not force a Senate vote on strong government-run coverage.

“I’m not aware of them,” Reid said when asked in a brief interview about pressure tactics aimed at him. “I don’t read blogs, I don’t listen to talk radio, I don’t watch cable TV.”

Yeah, that’s gonna work really well. My liberal, Democrat-voting mother did not vote for Corzine yesterday. Way to keep her on your side.

The spin is in, it’s not a win: The White House is pretending that losing the governorship in blue, blue NJ and back-to-red VA is no big deal. But they should.

Another worry: independent voters split overwhelmingly for the Republicans, though White House officials say their polling shows that President Obama enjoys essentially the same level of support among independents now as he did a year ago.

I’m an independent voter. I’ve been waiting for the Dems to woo me back. If Deeds is an example of their best, well—they’re not even trying to buy me dinner first. And oh yeah—the overwhelming majority of voters yesterday said that the economy is their biggest worry. Go ahead. Keep trying to pass Obamacare. Keep trying to spend money we don’t have. We’ll be seeing a Republican House and Senate before long.

Even the AP pointed out that Obama can’t pretend the race was no statement on him at all:

It’s also difficult to separate Obama from the outcomes after he devoted a significant chunk of time working to persuade voters to elect Deeds in Virginia and re-elect Corzine in New Jersey.

Yeah, you can’t go to NJ three times in two weeks, send your staff to take over Corzine’s election, and then say the race wasn’t a statement on Obama. Okay, well, you can if you’re lying, but y’know, we kinda caught you at it.

Virginia: An issues state, not a red state? The Times-Dispatch says Virginia voters are issue-driven, not party-driven. And the issue that concerned most VA voters yesterday? The economy.

An exit poll for The Associated Press showed that eight in 10 voters were concerned about the economy, and a majority of them backed McDonnell.

Further, economic jitters drove the votes of independents who make up one-third of the electorate. They broke to McDonnell nearly 2-to-1, according to the AP.

Be very worried, Democrats. It isn’t nationalized healthcare that the voters want. It’s jobs and security.

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