palestinian civil war watch

Hamas and Fatah are fighting. Everybody cheer!

Following a spate of violent incidents, including assassination attempts, Hamas leaders in this city warned Thursday of a conspiracy designed to oust them from the municipality, which they have been controlling for nearly eight months.

Earlier this week, unidentified gunmen opened fire at the car of Acting Mayor Hashem al-Masri as it was parked outside his home. No one was hurt in the attack, which was believed to be part of a severe power struggle that has been raging between Hamas and Fatah for months. A few days earlier, Masri was beaten on the head with a club as he left a mosque.

Hamas officials have accused Fatah supporters of being behind the attacks. “Ever since we won the municipal election, we have been subjected to a campaign of intimidation and incitement by Fatah activists,” one official told The Jerusalem Post. “These people just can’t accept the fact that they lost.”

For some residents, the events here are an indication of what awaits Hamas after it forms the cabinet and takes control of the Palestinian Authority. Many are convinced that Fatah members would do their utmost to undermine Hamas’s control, pointing out that the tensions here are a microcosm of the power struggle between the two parties.

I read an article recently that said the next couple of months are going to see some major struggles between Fatah and Hamas. As far as I’m concerned, they can take each other out.

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6 Responses to palestinian civil war watch

  1. Gunmen busted up a Bethlehem TV station last night. Gotta love those demands for free speech they shriek over and over.

  2. Li'l Mamzer says:

    Fatah versus Hamas. Sort of like Alien versus Predator. Makes it hard to pick a side to root for. I think I’ll just cheer whenever EITHER side scores a direct hit on the other.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    I am disappointed. They seem to be unable to actually hurt anyone who might actually be able to fight back.

  4. chsw says:

    I know that this is unorginal, but lets wish them both the best of luck.

  5. chsw says:

    Oh yes! I forgot something – Let’s hope that all their virgins look like Yasser Arafat.

  6. Ephraim says:

    An assassinatiuon attempt here, a busted-up TV station there. All of this nickel-and-dime stuff is beginning to get on my last nerve. When are the pitched battles with the hundreds of dead terrorists going to start?

    Get a move on, you guys. It’s time for you guys to live up to your reputation as fearsome, bloodthirsty terrorists. You look more and more like the Keystone Kops every day.

    Times a-wastin’.

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