Maybe the chickens were members of Hamas?

Not only is the deadly strain of bird flu in Gaza, but the Gazans are refusing to cull the infected birds:

Gaza chicken farmers planned a protest later Friday, after government officials told them they would not be compensated for culled birds. The two affected farms have a total of 80,000 chickens.

“They (the farmers) are preventing the culling because they want compensation before they let us do this,” Tubaili said. “This is causing confusion. Any second of delay will really make a difference.”

Meanwhile, Suha Arafat continues to reside in a luxury apartment suite in a hotel in Paris with her lover Pierre Rizk and their daughter Zarwa, all courtesy of the Palestinian Authority and their financial backers.

The UN, which doesn’t mind black Sudanese dying by the tens of thousands every year from the Janjaweed Virus, is rushing into action to save their favorite pet maniacs as always:

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni appealed to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Friday for international assistance to help the Palestinians fight the recent outbreak of the deadly bird flu, the Foreign Ministry said.

In response, Annan told Livni in their phone conversation that he would call on the World Health Organization to lend support to Palestinian agriculture and health officials in their fight against the flu, the Foreign Ministry statement said.

WHO did such a wonderjob in China when faced with a massive totalitarian bureaucracy. How soon before the same screaming fits by Saeb Erekat and Nasser Al-Kidwa about occupation and genocide start showing up in World Health Organization meeting transcripts, much like recent off-topic outbursts in waterm technology and IT discussions?

Of course, one man’s agricultural disaster is another man’s opportunity to start a biological weapons program. How soon before the Gazans start weaponizing H5N1 and sticking them on the ends of Qassam rockets and mortars? If the Soviets laughed chimps and dogs into space, why can’t the Palestinian Space Program launch diseased chickens, right?

I dread the day when Hamas gets a hold of mothballed Bob Evans’ Rooster Booster technology. It is a day we should all fear.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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