Tuesday briefs

UN engaging in collective punishment: Well, what else do you call stopping food aid to one million Somalis just because a few rotten apples are attacking UN staff? Isn’t that exactly the argument they’re using about Israel’s shutdown of the Gaza crossings?

Palestinians are winning in the U.K.: The Palestinians who managed to get arrest warrants in the U.K. for various Israeli officials have stopped the Israeli military from accepting an invitation by the British military. Gee, the Arabs have the upper hand over the Jews in Britain. Who would ever imagine that could be possible? (*cough* British Mandate *cough*).

New U.S. peace plan? Same old, same old: The Palestinians have convinced the Obama administration that starting at the end is the way to go. Set the borders first, then negotiate terms. Um, yeah. I’d be worried, except for the fact that no one in the world outside of the U.S. Congress appears to be listening to Obama at all.

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2 Responses to Tuesday briefs

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    You miss the point about the UN-somali situation, Meryl. The UN engages in strong action to protect itself; when it’s Jews who are trying to protect themselves it’s an entirely different matter. Cf. your Israel Double Standard time and what you refer to as the Exception Clause, properly termed the Bensky Corollary to Absolutely Everything.

  2. Cappy says:

    Opening fire on the British in defense of freedom;

    The right thing in 1776

    The right thing in 1948

    And now?

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