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Hurricane Isabel: The scene in pictures

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It's not as bad as it looks

This is right around the corner, but not as bad as it looks. Many people got off with fairly light damage, which is amazing, considering how saturated the soil is.

Trees through the roof

These folks were the worst off in the area. The trees went through their roof and the winds destroyed their home. Their child got out safely, thankfully.

Trees down along the road home

I went home in the afternoon to see how my apartment was. This was repeated throughout the drive home.

Trees down over the road

I'm pretty sure I drove under these trees, but not certain. Probably blocked it from my mind afterwards.

The tree gets its own lane

The tree wanted one lane of the road, and we all decided to let the tree have it. Yes, I really did drive past this one.

Tree blocks the road

No, I didn't drive down this road. It was perpendicular to the scene at left, and while I was there, I snapped a picture.

A human traffic light

All the traffic lights were out, so all the cops were out, too. They did a great job directing traffic, and as this is Virginia, you didn't hear a single horn being blown. Sometimes, that's rough on a former New Jerseyan.


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