The Catmage Chronicles
Andy thought he was going crazy when a talking cat showed up at his front door. He couldn’t have been more wrong.Goldeneyes is a Catmage – a cat with human intelligence and magical abilities. Andy is an eighth grader who is smart, impulsive, and trying to avoid the school bully at all costs. A prophecy threw them together. There’s just one problem: Goldeneyes can’t stand humans.The Catmage world is heading toward war. Goldeneyes and Andy must try to stop the enemy from getting stronger. And they must save a powerful Catmage who’s been kidnapped. For Goldeneyes, it’s personal. That Catmage is her grandmother.Andy and Goldeneyes must try to put aside their differences. If they can’t, the enemy will soon be too powerful to defeat…
Category Archives: Bloggers
Fluffy kitty de-stress post
The haftarah learning has been moving in fits and starts since last week. I finally found a tutor. Elisson has been helping me with my haftarah these last few days, and boy, have I found a gem of a teacher. … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers, Cats, Religion
Kosher Ham
I thought I had Mary Katherine Ham on my blogroll, but I didn’t. Now I do. I like her. I love watching her on the cable news shows as their resident conservative internet expert. She was on CNN yesterday talking … Continue reading
Go somewhere else
Allah is depressed. Hot Air traffic is down. That’s probably because I’m not reading the site as much as I was before I became Haftarah Study Girl. (Don’t have the tropes down yet, but I did cut my haftarah mp3 … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers
At long last, Rob!
I can finally call Rob by his name when referring to his online persona. Something that only my very long-time readers know is that the blogosphere would have caught up with Rob eventually no matter what—the man is talented, smart, … Continue reading
Ruffini was right, mostly
Looks like Patrick was right, and I was wrong, about the SiteMeter visitor count. Not about everything, mind you. But definitely about the major issue. The things he was right about: If you stay on a high-traffic site while the … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers
The DKos visit count non-issue: Ruffini’s wrong
There is no controversy regarding the Daily Kos visit count. Patrick Ruffini is misunderstanding the difference between what SiteMeter shows you on a summary page, and what is counted as a visit or a hit. SiteMeter is not inflating DKos’ … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers, Computers
Update on the Quechup problem: Say, the nice folks at the brandy new social network are taking your contacts list without permission and using it to spam your friends! Isn’t that special? That’s why I got five invites in one … Continue reading
Haveil Havalim: Carnival of the Jews
This week’s Haveil Havalim is up. Go, read, enjoy. Well? What are you still doing here? Click! Click!
Helping Rahel
Folks, if you were looking to help Rahel with the expenses toward her cat’s diabetes, you can hit my Paypal or Amazon tipjars and I will send the money along to Rahel. She’s just advanced me the funds she received … Continue reading
Vanity blogging
Okay, this is cool. I had no idea I had so many inbound links, but apparently, it’s up over 280,000. You can have a real blogwar there, and find out which of your favorite bloggers have more or fewer inbound … Continue reading
UC Irvine’s proud Zionist
Reut Cohen is doing her utmost to stop the anti-Semites at UC Irvine. She has an uphill battle. Let’s say that there is a country called Christianland where 44 percent of the world’s Christians live, and whose total population is … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-Semitism, Bloggers
Kudos to Jewcy for major Suckage
Michael Weiss got two of the former Suck writers to appear in their Moveable Snipe feature, where two people email each other while taking apart five blogs. If you can read this without laughing, you are a robot. Does anyone … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers
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Tone-deaf military leaders
The U.S. Army has shut down all possible battle zone milblogging. The U.S. Army has ordered soldiers to stop posting to blogs or sending personal e-mail messages, without first clearing the content with a superior officer, Wired News has learned. … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers
My one and only JIB go-vote post
I’ve got two up in the Best Post Overall category. My two are: This is a Zionist Blog: End of Discussion and Hamas Propaganda in the WaPo. Pick one and vote. Thanks.
Posted in Bloggers
Why I still read Lair Simon
Because even when he’s so busy he barely has time to post on his own blog, he comes up with gems like this. It’s called “Captain’s Blog,” and it’s funny. You should read it. Even if you don’t like Star … Continue reading