The Catmage Chronicles
Andy thought he was going crazy when a talking cat showed up at his front door. He couldn’t have been more wrong.Goldeneyes is a Catmage – a cat with human intelligence and magical abilities. Andy is an eighth grader who is smart, impulsive, and trying to avoid the school bully at all costs. A prophecy threw them together. There’s just one problem: Goldeneyes can’t stand humans.The Catmage world is heading toward war. Goldeneyes and Andy must try to stop the enemy from getting stronger. And they must save a powerful Catmage who’s been kidnapped. For Goldeneyes, it’s personal. That Catmage is her grandmother.Andy and Goldeneyes must try to put aside their differences. If they can’t, the enemy will soon be too powerful to defeat…
Category Archives: Bloggers
The shorter Meryl on the Amanda Marcotte controversy
Grow the eff up, and learn how to be responsible for what you write. Failing that, don’t write something that could come back and bite you in the ass. Shorter-shorter Meryl: Don’t blog angry. Update: Looks like they took my … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers
Haveil Havalim is up
Over at Jerusalem Board Games. It’s called “Speed Dating at Haveil Havalim.” Now that’s a scary concept.
Oh, yeah. Still over there.
I’ll be at Jewcy for one more day. Then things should get back to normal around here.
Posted in Bloggers
Gary needs help
If you can spare a few dollars, send it to Gary Farber. He’s really hurting, physically, mentally, and financially. Hit his Paypal button if you can. It’s bad enough he suffers from gout, an extremely painful disease. But he’s also … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers
Still there
Over at Jewcy, that is. Y’know, this professional blogging stuff is a lot harder than blogging for nothing. There are rules. RULES, I tell you.
The unbearable lightness of blogging
Yes, it’s light around here today, but boy, I’ve been blogging up a storm over at Jewcy. Gilad Shalit, the palestinian reunification law in regards to terrorists (14% of suicide bombers used the reunification law to get into Israel), and … Continue reading
Posting (here) will be light today
I’ll be expending my energies over at Jewcy for a few hours, then back here. It’s a week-long gig, and since they’re actually paying me, I’ll be working a lot of hours on their site. But it will be the … Continue reading
World’s only talkie of Gracie
I don’t remember linking this back when Sarah took it. While I was sunning myself in the Outer Banks, Sarah checked on my kitties. There are more pictures, and of course the story, of the Gracie video. All of my … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers, Cats
Blogging will be mixed today
I’m guest-blogging over at Jewcy. Update: Technical problems. Blogging will begin tomorrow.
Posted in Bloggers
Haveil Havalim #98 is UP!
Continuing my tradition from last week, I’m running late with the Haveil Havalim announcement. This week’s, Haveil Havalim #98 at Jerusalem Board Games has it all. It features Professor Madcap and his grad students uncovering the secrets of cyber-archaeology, little … Continue reading
Presented for your amusement
(and mystification): Something I borrowed from Charles. Thanks, Charles! To the three people who might get it: No. Names.
Posted in Bloggers
Video links
Omri wants to know why this search term showed up on his blog. I have nothing to hide, as I am famously camera-shy. There are some early eight-millimeters in existence of me at my cousins’ parties, but unless you want … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers, Linkfests
Dean Esmay, hypocrite
Okay, I know, it’s just adding fuel to the fire, but y’know, they don’t call me the Master of Juvenile Scorn™ for nothing. So that big post Dean put up about my refusing to agree with him over Rabbi Kahane’s … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers, Juvenile Scorn
You’re welcome, Dean
I should charge an editor’s fee for this post. It’s about my post extolling the video that uses the late Rabbi Meir Kahane’s “Open Letter to the World.” I said in that post that even though it was written by … Continue reading
Posted in Bloggers, Terrorism
The last Haveil Havalim of the year
The Jewish year, of course. It’s at French Hill.
Posted in Bloggers
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