Category Archives: Gaza

Friday night briefs

Orwell would be proud: War is peace, bad is good, and Lebanon is on the UN Security Council, and therefore, prevented the UNSC from condemning the terror attack on Israel. Why? Because Lebanon would only vote for a “balanced” resolution … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Briefly Friday briefs

It looks like the world is finally getting its news priorities straight. Syria tops the news today, not Israel’s response to the terror attacks in Gaza. But of course, it’s still out of proportion. Sure, let’s talk to terrorists. They … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria, Terrorism | Comments Off on Briefly Friday briefs

Major assault on Gaza

Netanyahu did say that there would be a heavy price to pay for attacking Israel. And Gaza is paying the price. Elsewhere, Israeli aircraft reportedly fired three missiles at a Hamas security forces building in Gaza City. In a third … Continue reading

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Update on today’s terror attack in Israel

The attackers are still fighting. And this was an attack that was meant to kill many, many more than it already has. The manhunt for the terrorists continues as an official reported around 6 pm forces had found another attack … Continue reading

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Surprise midday briefs!

OMG! An unbiased article from the AP: This is about as even-handed as they ever get on all things Israel. While I still think they need to add a line that says something like “Video shows that the activists attacked … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Wednesday briefs

Your AP media bias line of the day: The border between Israel and Gaza has been mostly quiet since an Israeli military offensive in the winter of 2008 aimed at stopping almost daily Palestinian rocket fire at Israeli communities. Violence … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias, The One | Comments Off on Wednesday briefs

Tuesday sniefs

(Sniefs=Snark Briefs) So, I’m expecting a condemnation on this any day now: Another missile lands in Israel, another yawn from the world. But hey, the Obama Administration is totally condemning construction in Ariel. It’s an obstacle to peace, you see. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria, Terrorism | 1 Comment

S.A.R.A. overland convoy to Gaza – another peak of hypocrisy

It’s bad time for Africa again. A drought across much of east Africa in mid-2011 is causing intense distress among vulnerable populations, many of them already pressed by poverty and insecurity. The range of the affected areas is extensive: the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Middle East | Comments Off on S.A.R.A. overland convoy to Gaza – another peak of hypocrisy

Israel, dinosaurs, Amy Winehouse and pathetic shits

So here I was perusing a steamy pile of virtual excrement titled Israel, Dinosaurs, and Amy Winehouse. The link to it was sent by a friend (thanks, friend!), who added a sentence mentioning pathetic shits or something in that vein. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | 4 Comments

Your Tuesday morning briefs

And yet, there are no worldwide calls for a UN investigation of Syria: Nearly 3,000 people have gone missing in Syria since the protests began, and that’s on top of the 1,600 Syrians murdered by Assad’s soldiers (with the ample … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Syria, United Nations, World | Comments Off on Your Tuesday morning briefs

Terrorists not included

This is what happens when actual activists, not terrorists, are aboard a ship trying to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The Israeli Navy stopped the Gaza-bound flotilla ship Dignite al Karama from reaching the Strip Tuesday afternoon. The Israeli … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 1 Comment

Rounding up the news

Pakistani terror in India, again: Of course it’s the Pakistanis. Who else would it be? Say, wasn’t it a great idea to separate mostly-Muslim Pakistan from India in 1947, so the two countries could get along in peace and harmony … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Middle East, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Monday morning news briefs

Thanks, Greece! Shimon Peres thanks Greece for stopping the flotilla. So does Speaking of the flotidiots: “Flytilla” was a bust, but of course, the ones that did get into Israel peacefully threw rocks and such at the IDF, while … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Middle East, Syria | 2 Comments

File under “Not. Gonna. Happen.”

Israel is trying to repair ties with Turkey. The Jewish state is working with Turkey to soften the results of the UN report on last year’s Gaza flotilla, which criticizes Turkey for allowing the flotilla in the first place: Diplomatic … Continue reading

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Israel v. Flotilla 2: Victory to Israel

Score one for the good guys. The flotidiots are giving up and heading for home. Norwegian Gaza-bound flotilla activists are expected to hold a press conference Friday morning in Norway to announce their decision to retract and make their way … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 1 Comment