Category Archives: Gaza

Thursday briefs

Like we care if Hamas wants to destroy Israel: Fifty aid groups, including several UN bodies and the High Commissioner for Human Rights (who never met an anti-Israel cause she couldn’t join, even when she’s dead wrong about it) signed … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, United Nations, World | Comments Off on Thursday briefs

Media bias? Yeah, we got that

Israel’s Comptroller’s office has determined that Israel’s response to the Marvelous Marmalade incident sucked. And here’s the all-important conclusion to the report: Lindenstrauss concluded this part of his report by recommending a comprehensive plan to improve Israel’s public diplomacy under … Continue reading

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Monday briefs

But there is no anti-Semitism in France: A mob of Muslims armed with hammers and iron bars attacked three Jews in France. But it’s anti-Zionism, not anti-Semitism, because their kippahs identified them as Israelis. Oh. Wait. And by the way, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Sunday, briefly

First they came for the Jews: CUNY is turning “Jewish” into a minority with a checkbox. If you’re not appalled by this, you’re not paying attention to the divisiveness that is known as affirmative action. Also, seriously? Have they no … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Syria, United Nations, World | 3 Comments

Palestinian terrorists show their gratitude for peace gesture by killing Israelis

On the heels of Israel returning the bodies of terrorists to the Palestinian Authority, a Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist managed to murder an IDF soldier. The exchange began after the militant cut through the fence separating the Hamas-run Gaza Strip … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Friday holiday weekend briefs

And they’ll take care of the Temple Mount. Honest. They promise: A fifth-century synagogue in Palestinian-controlled Jericho was desecrated with swastikas. Because the Palestinians are all about respecting other religion’s holy sites. Just ask the Christians in Gaza. Oh. Wait. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Turkey, World | 2 Comments

On Christian persecution in Muslim countries: Shut up, it’s still Israel’s fault

60 Minutes publishes a hatchet job on how Israel is supposedy driving out Christians, and utterly ignores stories like this one, where Egypt’s Muslims are persecuting Christians. An Egyptian court sentenced 12 Christians to life in prison and acquitted eight … Continue reading

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Tuesday, briefly

Flytilla 2, the sequel: You know, the funniest part of this AP brief about 2,500 pro-Palestinian “protesters” coming into Israel on Sunday is this bit: Organizers say they want to draw attention to Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians in Gaza … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria, The One | 2 Comments

Tuesday, briefly

Of course they do: Hamas is blaming Israel for the deaths of three children who burned to death in a fire caused by candles being used since the electricity was cut. And why was the electricity cut? Because Hamas refuses … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East | 1 Comment

Whitewashing Hamas, part the next

What’s missing from this AFP report on the Gaza fuel crisis? A reason. You can read the entire article and not know why there is a fuel crisis in Gaza. Although they do manage to get a quote blaming the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

The I have today off briefs

Really? Even Israel calls it honoring the truce when terrorists are firing grad rockets into Israeli cities on a daily basis, as well as firing kassams? Southern cities are closing their schools today. Really? WTF, Israel? WTF! Really? The British … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism, World | 2 Comments

Thursday EATAPETA Day briefs

Another terror attack? A female soldier was stabbed on a train by an Arab man. This part of the story may help you understand why Gilad Shalit was so important to Israel: The victim has been put on the respirator … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism, Turkey | Comments Off on Thursday EATAPETA Day briefs

Wednesday briefs

And the keen grasp of the obvious award goes to: The Asia Times, for a story titled “Iranian hand seen in Gaza escalation” Really? PIJ, which receives money and marching orders from Iran, was under Iranian orders not to stop … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, The One, United Nations | Comments Off on Wednesday briefs

I do not think that word means what you think it means

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, one of Iran’s proxy arms, held a victory rally in Gaza today. Yes, really. Thousands of Islamic Jihad sympathizers participated in the group’s victory rally celebrating the end of the current round of violence against Israel on … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

When is a truce not a truce? When it concerns Israel

A truce was declared, so naturally PIJ launched more rockets and Israel withheld fire. That’s a truce in the Arab world: They get to continue to try to kill Israelis, and Israel doesn’t react. This is also, of course, a … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment