Category Archives: Gaza

Friday brieflings

Okay, this is just funny: Read it in full, and yes, there are bad words in it, but this is utterly hilarious. A rocker explains why he won’t let Glee cover his songs. (For the records, every time I’ve watched … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Middle East, Politics, Television, Turkey | 4 Comments

Netanyahu: No apology, Turkeys

Benjamin Netanyahu finally spoke to journalists about not apologizing to Turkey for killing nine Jihadis who were trying to kill Israeli soldiers. The AP article is almost unbiased, save for the adjective in the lead: PM: Israel needn’t apologize for … Continue reading

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Sunday holiday briefs

In other news, water is wet: Really? Juan and Eva Peron, the political heads of post-war Argentina, gave Nazi war criminals asylum? And this comes as a surprise to anyone? Hello, Eichmann kidnapping, anyone? I’ll believe it when I see … Continue reading

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Finally Friday briefs

Really? A dictator didn’t honor international protocoal? Shocked. I’m shocked, I tell you, to hear that Ghaddafi sent his thugs to trash three NATO embassies after his son was killed by a NATO airstrike. Two states for two people? No. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Turkey, United Nations | Comments Off on Finally Friday briefs

Israeli vindicated on four out of five charges; NY Times doesn’t care

The New York Times got the UN report, due out tomorrow, and has already determined the real villain. Note the headline and lead. Report Finds Naval Blockade by Israel Legal but Faults Raid A United Nations review has found that … Continue reading

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Turkey to Israel: Apologize before sundown, or else

I’m quite sure that Bibi is shaking in his boots over this latest demand. Turkey declared Thursday that it would not tolerate further delay in the release of a United Nations report concerning Israel’s deadly raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla … Continue reading

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Wednesday briefs

Where’s your peace with Israel now, Sandmonkey? I never believed the Egyptian Sandmonkey when he said that Egyptians didn’t hate Israelis. Turns out I wasn’t wrong. They hate Israelis. Big time. YES! I can keep my Five Faves: The government … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East, Syria | 1 Comment

Tuesday HulkMS briefs

Thanks, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass: Now that Western nations have helped get rid of Nutcase Gaddafi, they want us out yesterday. You’re welcome. Now this is a brilliant idea: The IDF is training “settler” … Continue reading

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Thursday briefs

Arabs destroy, Jews rebuild: Israel has nearly finished restoring Jerusalem’s five-century-old walls. Read the article in full, then remember that when the palestinians took over Gaza, the first thing they did was destroy all of the Israeli buildings. A look … Continue reading

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The AP proves me wrong

But in a good way. Earlier today, I pointed out the AP’s annoying habit of reversing cause and effect in their reporting on Israel vs. the terrorists. Their latest article on the rockets landing in Israel has the correct order … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments

The pro-terrorist media bias

More rockets are raining down on Israel. And more AP media bias goes out over the wires. Look at the cause-and-effect in this lead. Note which action the AP puts first: Israel’s strike on terrorists firing mortars into Israel. Violence … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

News roundup

Yeah, I felt this one: 4.2 aftershock last night around 8. Slept through anything else since then. I’m sure the terrorists don’t care: An Egyptian woman in the Sinai was wounded by rocket fire from Gaza. If she’d died, doubtless … Continue reading

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Tuesday, briefly

Too creepy for words: An Israeli woman escaped from a real sicko, who has since been arrested. Thank goodness she was smart enough to take advantage of the situation and get away. Barry Rubin says: Glenn Beck is right. Oh, … Continue reading

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The AP reads my blog, part the next

I’m telling you, they keep an eye on me. Before: Senior Israeli officials met late into the night to discuss how to proceed with retaliatory operations against Gaza militants, who they say triggered the latest round of hostilities Thursday with … Continue reading

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Gaza terror, media spin

The rockets continue to fall on Israel, one landing in a (thankfully) empty gymnasium in an Israeli school. Hamas is reportedly trying to get the UN to make Israel stop firing on Gaza, but there is no word of Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment