Category Archives: Hamas

Sunday, briefly

Anti-Semitism is up in Australia: Quel surprise. It’s up in a lot of places this year. Between October 1, 2010, and September 30 this year, there were 17 physical assaults or property damage, 128 incidents of direct harassment and intimidation, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Tuesday “shaky truce” briefs

Sunny with a chance of missiles: Schools have been cancelled in southern Israel due to rocket attacks, and even the AP has noticed. Damned if you do… Egypt has gotten Israel to postpone for 24 hours a stronger response to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | Tagged | 2 Comments

Thursday briefs

The first post-Gilad grad rocket: No one was hurt. The question is, how is Bibi going to respond now that there are no Israeli hostages in Hamas’ hands? I’m sure this is a test to see what would happen. And … Continue reading

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Friday morning briefs

Baby Assad is shaking in his booties: Sic semper tyrannis, dude. The fall of Kadaffy is energizing the Syrian opposition. (Really, do all the news services have to run that gross picture of dead/dying Kadaffy? Yes, he deserved it, but—ew.) … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Gilad Shalit is home

He’s home. After 1,941 days in Hamas captivity, Gilad Shalit has returned home: IDF soldier Gilad Shalit entered the Kerem Shalom crossing just before noon on Tuesday and was greeted by Israeli army officers. He is seen walking with the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Monday, briefly

Or they’ll frown in Syria’s general direction: The Arab League is giving Syria 15 days to stop murdering its own citizens. The vote was to suspend Syria from the league, and as you can see, even murdering over 3,000 civilians … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, Terrorism | Comments Off on Monday, briefly

Friday Israel briefs

Ah, the lovely sound of Palestinian terrorists hating on each other: Looks like there’s trouble in prison over the swap. It seems that most of the West Bank terrorists will be heading to other places (and other countries), while most … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Thursday, briefly

Treaty? What treaty? Egypt is deliberately breaking its treaty with Israel and flaunting it. Permission? We don’t need no steenking permission to patrol the Sinai? It’s good to know that an Arab nation keeps its written promises after the Islamists … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Religion, Terrorism | Comments Off on Thursday, briefly

Gilad Shalit is going home

I never thought I’d be writing this post, but it looks like Gilad Shalit is going to be home in Israel in a matter of hours. There will be many things written about the deal, both for and against. Barry … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Friday briefs

Say pretty please with sugar on top: Oh, well, then of course, Israel must do so. Islamic nations are demanding that Israel open its nuke plant to IAEA inspectors. Well, I demand that Islamic nations STFU on telling Israel what … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jews, Middle East, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Late Tuesday roundup

Long day in NorVA today, so these are late. The Palestinian state will not be denied: Mahmoud Abbas is making Obama and the EU his bitches, pushing forward with his plan to unilaterally declare the fictional statelet of East Palestine. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Turkey, United Nations | Comments Off on Late Tuesday roundup

Tuesday HulkMS briefs

Thanks, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass: Now that Western nations have helped get rid of Nutcase Gaddafi, they want us out yesterday. You’re welcome. Now this is a brilliant idea: The IDF is training “settler” … Continue reading

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Tuesday, briefly

Too creepy for words: An Israeli woman escaped from a real sicko, who has since been arrested. Thank goodness she was smart enough to take advantage of the situation and get away. Barry Rubin says: Glenn Beck is right. Oh, … Continue reading

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Gaza terror, media spin

The rockets continue to fall on Israel, one landing in a (thankfully) empty gymnasium in an Israeli school. Hamas is reportedly trying to get the UN to make Israel stop firing on Gaza, but there is no word of Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Unbelievable AP media bias

An Israeli was killed in the constant rocket attacks on Israel. And how does the AP put it in a story? Like this: Deaths of Egyptian troops test Israel-Egypt treaty The death of Egyptian soldiers caught in a battle between … Continue reading

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