Category Archives: Hamas

Face value

Yesterday, I wrote about Elder of Ziyon’s efforts to count the Arab casualties from Cast Lead accurately. Look at today’s report in the New York Times about the IDF’s investigation of its behavior during Cast Lead. Gaza health officials said … Continue reading

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Technical glitch stops Hamas/U.K. propaganda hour

Well, this was good news: A meeting was meant to take place on Wednesday in the Grimond Room at Portcullis House, adjoining the House of Commons in London. The planned meeting was titled “Talk with Hamas” and was meant to … Continue reading

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Help the elder

No this isn’t about helping little old ladies across the street. Elder of Ziyon has actually committed some journalism and is interested in publicizing his results. (JudeoPundit did a nice job of it.) Help him get the word out! Crossposted … Continue reading

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Buffaloed by “wings”

Last week a number of bloggers noted an article about Hezbollah, in which one of the terror group’s leaders acknowledged that there’s no difference between its “political” and “military” wings. On one point, the United States agrees with Hezbollah’s No. … Continue reading

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The “cycle of violence” returns

Hamas tested Israel’s new PM. Terrorists launched a kassam rocket at Israel yesterday. Today, Israel launched a bigger rocket at Hamas. At least, that’s how the wire services will play this one out. But is that what happened? A day … Continue reading

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The fierce irrelevance of Roger Cohen

Roger Cohen thinks that we can have peace in the Middle East, if the United States would just listen to a bunch of experts associated with the US Middle East Project. In the Fierce Urgency of Peace: Pressure on President … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Israel and Gaza

The War in Gaza hasn’t really ended it has just moved into a different venue. Now we get to see it taken apart within the blogosphere and the MSM. Not to mention the report filed by the UN. If you … Continue reading

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A mysterious quiet falls over southern Israel

There have been no rockets or mortars fired from Gaza since last Saturday. The question is: Why? Has Hamas come to some kind of secret agreement in order to get their prisoners released? Was this one of the conditions that … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Terrorism | 1 Comment

1,000 days in hell

Imagine that you are being held captive by your enemies. You don’t know where you are. You don’t know what day it is. You don’t know what month it is. You don’t know if your mother and father are alive … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Terrorism | 2 Comments

When terrorists appeal to public opinion

For now, Gilad Shalit will remain in captivity. Olmert discussed the breakdown of talks in an afternoon cabinet meeting; he later went on television to explain the situation to a public divided between sympathy for Shalit and concern over releasing … Continue reading

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This is not a condemnation by Hamas

The AP is sending out a story that says Hamas is condemning rocket fire from Gaza. This is not a condemnation. “Regarding the report about rockets fired from Gaza, we emphasize that these rockets have no link to any of … Continue reading

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Shalit deal nearing?

The Olmert administration is apparently in a big hurry to get Gilad Shalit released before the Netanyahu administration can refuse to release terrorists responsible for the murder of hundreds. And the AFP says the deal is getting closer. Egypt hosted … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

To Alice Walker in Gaza: Shut up and write

Yet another idiot toured Gaza, declared the results of the war horrible, and blamed Israel. This one, though—well, she’s toeing the Hamas propaganda line quite closely. Walker did not respond directly when asked whether Hamas – classified as a terrorist … Continue reading

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Hamas withholding Shalit video

The big visit by Moussa Abu Marzouk was, in part, to get

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Operation Cast Lead now Operation Melting Away

There was an acrimonious cabinet meeting earlier today in Israel, with Ehud Olmert and his Ehud Barak having words. But these are the most discouraging words of the meeting: Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter told the cabinet that Israel’s achievements … Continue reading

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