Category Archives: Hamas

MacLeod’s cloudy recollection

Scott MacLeod has seen the future and the future includes Hamas. How does he know this? Because he recalls how well depending on Yasser Arafat and Fatah worked to create peace. The conference also highlighted a conundrum that always seems … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Shalit: Hamas to supply proof of life?

Another Arab paper is reporting that Israel is about to get proof of life from Gilad Shalit. I’m not buying it. I don’t think he’s alive. Moussa Abu Marzouk, the deputy chairman of Hamas’ political bureau, met last week with … Continue reading

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Iran and Hamas: Like ham and eggs

Yes, a treyf (haram!) reference for the Islamist terror twins. “Hamas’ strategic objective is to seize control of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Palestinian Liberation Organization,” he said. “This remains Hamas’ vision – to take control over the PA … Continue reading

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Another reason prisoner releases are bad

In August of last year, Nadav Shragai wrote about the dangers inherent in Israeli prisoner releases done in the name of “confidence building.” An investigation by the Almagor Terror Victims Association in Israel revealed that at least 30 of the … Continue reading

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Hamas uses “truce” to improve rockets

A rocket hit a school in Ashkelon on Saturday. Only the fact that it’s the Jewish Sabbath kept any children from dying—because the rocket penetrated the fortified areas and landed in the school. Palestinian fire on the Negev continued Saturday, … Continue reading

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The world’s blindness on Hamas’ intentions

More and more European diplomats are insisting that Israel must talk with Hamas. The latest in the growing line is Britain’s foreign minister, who doesn’t seem to read reports like this: Hamas official Ayman Taha in Gaza said Abbas’s comments … Continue reading

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Rockets every day—what cease fire?

There’s a cease fire? Really? A Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in north Gaza Thursday morning exploded in the yard of a home in the western Negev town of Sderot. No injuries were reported, but a woman and her son … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Defining terrorism down

The British foreign secretary thinks that talking to an irridentist terrorist group that intends to destroy Israel and replace it with an Islamic caliphate is “the right thing to do.” British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Wednesday that speaking to … Continue reading

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The terror stimulus package

The New York Time reports that the Obama administration is poised to give $900 million to Gaza to rebuild. (via memeorandum) The Obama administration intends to provide some $900 million to help rebuild Gaza after the Israeli incursion that ended … Continue reading

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Obama administration is fine with terrorists

The PA says that the Obama administration says it’s just fine and dandy to include Hamas in the PA government. The Obama administration has given the Palestinian Authority a “green light” to talk to Hamas about forming a Palestinian unity … Continue reading

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Hardline for me, but not for thee

The worldwide festival of hypocrisy over the Israeli election is utterly flabbergasting. The same Arab nations that keep calling on Israel to deal with terrorists like Hamas and Hezbullah are now insisting that a Likud government will lead the Middle … Continue reading

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When outrage is in short supply

Thomas Friedman’s No Way, No How, Not Here praises Indian Muslims for refusing to bury the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks. To be sure, Mumbai’s Muslims are a vulnerable minority in a predominantly Hindu country. Nevertheless, their in-your-face defiance … Continue reading

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UN sets foxes to guard henhouse; predictable results

The UN is surprised to find out that when you put terrorists in charge of guarding seven tons of unexploded ordnance, gee, they don’t do such a great job of guarding it. Senior UN officials were outraged Tuesday evening as … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, United Nations | 2 Comments

Hamas’ intransigence

Israel refuses to agree to open the Gaza border crossings without the return of Gilad Shalit. Hamas refuses to return Gilad Shalit until the crossings are open. The AP hasn’t mentioned this in the last few days, but I did … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Forecast: chilly?

The Washington Post has a sensible editorial about welcoming Hosni Mubarak, Watch that Welcome. Mr. Obama will not want to openly spurn the Egyptian leader. But it’s vital that he not grant Mr. Mubarak an unconditional invitation. Governments throughout the … Continue reading

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