Category Archives: Hamas

Olmert stands his ground on Shalit

Ehud Olmert is standing his ground on Gilad Shalit. Israel will not open the border crossings into Gaza without the return of her kidnapped soldier. Israel will not agree to open crossings into Gaza without the return of kidnapped soldier … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments

Hamas putting the rocket fire in cease fire

Once again proving that only Israel gets to violate a truce, the AP has returned to form. Here’s what the AP thinks constitutes a “straining” of the cease fire: Firing rockets into Israel. An agreement between Hamas and Israel to … Continue reading

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Hamas feeling the PR pinch, 1: Hamas gave back the aid it stole from the UN, mostly because for the first time ever, the UN complained about it. Oh, and UNRWA stopped all aid going into Gaza because of the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Olmert’s success

Ehud Olmert bragged about the success of his operation in Gaza. Some success. A rocket landed in southern Ashkelon on Sunday afternoon. An air raid siren sounded in the area at around 1:50 pm, followed by a blast. There were … Continue reading

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Al-Zahar comes out of his rathole; six more weeks of terrorism

Happy Hamas Groundhog Day! There will be six more weeks of rockets, then more terrorism to follow. Gaza’s top strongman appeared in public Saturday for the first time since Israel launched its offensive against Gaza’s Hamas rulers six weeks ago. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Egypt takes Hamas millions, Olmert giving Hamas millions

The Hamas delegation that left Egypt without any progress on yet another “lull” came back into Gaza, only to be stopped on the border by Egyptian guards. They were trying to smuggle millions of dollars and euros into Gaza. Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

The NYT delivers

When it was reported yesterday (via memeorandum) that the UN finally admitted that Hamas raided one of its convoys, I wondered if the New York Times or Washington Post would report it. Well the New York Times came through. Ahmed … Continue reading

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UN finally admitting Hamas steals from them

Elder of Ziyon has been trying for weeks to get the UN to admit the truth: That Hamas is stealing aid from its own people. There are reports that Hamas is selling the aid back to the very people it’s … Continue reading

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Hamas “lull” kills one, wounds three soldiers, AP blames Israel

The much-trumpeted ceasefire is doing what all Palestinian ceasefires do: Killing Israelis. An IDF non-commissioned officer was killed on Tuesday morning when a roadside bomb planted by Gaza operatives along Israel’s border with the Strip detonated under the army vehicle … Continue reading

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Lynch-ing Israel

At Foreign Policy Marc Lynch asks, How badly did Gaza poison the well? (via memeorandum) Needless to say, Lynch opposed Israel’s effort to defend its citizens. But here’s one of his conclusions: There’s no question that Gaza has weakened the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Jimmy Carter: Stooping to new [moronic] lows

Hamas can be trusted. Really. Just ask Jimmy Carter. Hamas can be trusted, former US President Jimmy Carter said Monday, in an interview on NBC’s ‘Today’ show. Carter spoke with NBC’s Meredith Vieira about his perspective on the Middle East … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Israel | 6 Comments


A Reuters headline reads War boosted extremists in Gaza, says U.N. official. Quoted is John Ging head of the UNRWA “The extremists here — there are more now at the end of this conflict than there were at the start, … Continue reading

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Israel’s legitimacy is debatable; Hamas’s is not

I already blogged about Muammar Qaddafi’s op-ed in the NYT, but Yaacov Lozowick emphasizes a point that’s well worth remembering: The editors of the paper will trot out the standard boilerplate about giving a platform to all opinions including the … Continue reading

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About that Hamas “victory”…

The victors seem to be acting a little less like victors these days, in spite of their rhetoric. According to this, Israel is going to get at least some of what it wants. Hamas is prepared to agree to the … Continue reading

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Hamas re-establishes iron rule

Think the UN Human Rights organizations will notice these things happening? Hamas has seized control of all the smuggling tunnels under the Philadelphi Corridor in southern Gaza and has been moving additional arms into the Strip since Operation Cast Lead … Continue reading

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