Category Archives: Hamas

Hamas to CSM: We won’t stop firing rockets, even with a truce

Hamas is stating flatly that they will never stop attacking Israel. Abu Marzook: Hamas has held the same position since Israel’s aggression began. We have three conditions for any peace initiative coming from any state. First of all, the aggression … Continue reading

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Report from the front

This is what the IDF soldiers are dealing with in Gaza: Lt.-Col. Cohen has good reasons to want his soldiers to focus on the enemy. In one of the recent days a battalion force encountered three terrorists emerging from a … Continue reading

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Leave Hamas alone

Since Israel’s war against Hamas has started, the editorial position of the Washington Post has been that Israel has a right to defend its citizens, but it’s better off not doing so. Yesterday’s staff editorial, Crossroads in Gaza is more … Continue reading

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Iranians pulling Hamas strings

The news you read about Israel always seems to be missing a vital component: The major force behind Hamas is Iran, and Hamas takes its orders from Iran. When the media does mention Iran, it always downplays the Iranian role … Continue reading

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Hamas: On the run, not on the ropes

Hamas is hurting, but far from down yet. Hamas is damaged, but reluctant to concede to a ceasefire, intelligence leaders reported Sunday. The IDF’s head of intelligence and Shin Bet chief said the terror organization’s capabilities have been significantly reduced, … Continue reading

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Hamas: Now we’ll never negotiate with Israel. Israel: Awesome!

If anyone is keeping track of the number of lies coming out of Khaled Mashaal, add another few to the list. The Gaza war has killed the last chance for settlement and negotiations with Israel, Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal … Continue reading

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Taking the fight to Hamas: It’s working

Israel scored another major hit today. The IDF isn’t just cutting off the creature’s tentacles—it’s also cutting off some heads. Senior terror commander killed: The IDF killed Amir Mansi, who was the commander of Hamas rocket cells operating in the … Continue reading

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UNSCR 1860: Not worth the paper it’s written on

UN Security Council Resolution 1860 is a waste of time and space. It’s not a Chapter Seven, so it’s nonbinding. It makes no mention of Hamas whatsoever, so it’s bullshit. And Israel is treating it as such. Israel’s Operation Cast … Continue reading

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Diehling with Iran

The Washington Post has dueling op-eds about Israel’s war against Hamas. Jackson Diehl predictably tells Israel that it’s on the wrong path in Hard Lesson for Israel. Charles Krauthammer disagrees. Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip is failing, but … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 4 Comments

W. abandons Israel again

First he forced Ariel Sharon to give up the Philadelphi Corridor. Then he forced Israel to allow Hamas to run in Palestinian elections, even though Ba’athists were not allowed to run in Iraq, and Taliban were not allowed to run … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, United Nations | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Hamas targets schools, world is blind, deaf, and dumb on topic

First, I researched the grad rocket. It is accurate. It can be targeted. Then, I checked on Google maps to see how easy it is to map out a school in Israel. Satellite view. No problem. Then I checked reports … Continue reading

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Faith in Fatah

That’s what Thomas Friedman has. Hamas rejects any recognition of Israel. By contrast, the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, which controls the West Bank, has recognized Israel — and vice versa. If you believe, as I do, that the only stable solution … Continue reading

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Spare the Hamas spoil the war

Meryl observes the diplomatic activity and Israel’s leaders’ apparently considering the proposals for a ceasefire. But Khaled Abu Toameh writes that Hamas is having trouble functioning. Until two weeks ago, Zahar, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Interior Minister Said Siam … Continue reading

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UN sticks up for Hamas

Of course the UN is sure there weren’t any Hamas terrorists shooting mortars from their school. It’s not like UNRWA has been infiltrated by terrorists, ever. Or use UNRWA ambulances as getaway cars, or to transport weapons. And it’s not … Continue reading

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Walt’s moral Disneyland and other stupid academic tricks

I recently refered to Charles Krauthammer’s 1988 column “The Mideast as Moral Disneyland” in which he criticized those who passed judgment on Israel speaking of false concern for Israel’s moral well-being. Well there are others who live in similar moral … Continue reading

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