Category Archives: Hamas

Gaza war intensifies; IDF targets tunnels

Israel is casting that dreidel very, very carefully. IAF jets struck tunnels connecting the Palestinian and Egyptian sides of Rafah, a Gaza Strip border town which has become a main entry point into Gaza of weapons, dynamite and other smuggled … Continue reading

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More liveblogging

Jameel is liveblogging as well. I got this video of an IDF attack on an underground missile launcher from him.

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Morning Gaza wrap-up

The IAF targeted more Hamas installations, including one that housed the jail where Hamas was keeping Fatah prisoners. Darn. Okay, I didn’t mean that. Two terrorist organizations with one blow? Excellent. Fatah’s hands are bloody, too. Those were not innocent … Continue reading

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Gaza casualty rate: 94% terrorists, so far

The bad news is that Ismail Haniyeh is still alive. The good news is that it seems the casualty rate was about 94% terrorists. Israeli warplanes rained more than 100 tons of bombs on security sites in Hamas-ruled Gaza Saturday … Continue reading

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The mainstream media: Hamas press flacks

You won’t find this quote by Ehud Olmert outside the Israeli media, at least, not at the time of this post. I can’t find it. “Israel has done all it could to preserve the ceasefire with Hamas, but our desire … Continue reading

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How Israel fooled Hamas

A lovely story to take with me to the gym: Maneuvering the enemy: The Israel government reportedly employed several measures in order to lead Hamas into a false sense of security and ensure the operation against the Islamist group would … Continue reading

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Gaza op: Analysis

The rules of the game have changed. The Israeli air strikes on Hamas targets in Gaza on Saturday, hugely dramatic in their scope, nonetheless mark only the beginning of an ongoing, potentially lengthy operation aimed at restoring calm to the … Continue reading

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Gaza Op: Surprise attack catches Hamas with its goons down

Went back to bed this morning with a stomach-ache, woke up to the news: The first Gaza operation has come and gone. And Hamas was completely surprised. A Hamas source in Gaza confirmed Saturday that the Israeli Air Force attack … Continue reading

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Flying pig alert: UNSG chastens Hamas

The UN SecGen actually issued a statement calling for Hamas to stop rocketing Israel without calling for the reduction of violence “on both sides.” He does, of course, condemn the Gaza blockade. The Secretary-General is gravely concerned about the situation … Continue reading

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The other side of “No one was killed in the rocket barrage”

The miracle of Hanukkah, 2008: Three children were saved from terrorist rocket fire. The lives of three children – aged four, five and eight – were saved Wednesday, as a Grad missile fired from northern Gaza hit their home, moments … Continue reading

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More Mideast euphemisms

There’s another entry in the annals of euphemism in Middle East reporting. The word is “study” as in: Hamas ready to study new Gaza cease-fire with Israel A headline seen in many online news stories yesterday. Here’s what it really … Continue reading

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Rocket barrages from Hamas: The Blame Israel Media steps up

Someone in the AP decided that even that news service can’t keep ignoring dozens of missiles fired at Israeli civilians. Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip bombarded southern Israel with dozens of mortars and rockets on Wednesday, sowing panic and … Continue reading

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Hamas wants to renew the faux truce

Of course Hamas wants to renew the truce. Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar said Tuesday that his organization was willing to renew the truce in Gaza if Israel adheres to the terms that have been agreed upon last June. There … Continue reading

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Eyeless on the Potomac: the WaPo tells Israel to defend itself with the goodwill of Hamas

Israel has some tough choices ahead. Amos Harel of Ha’aretz writes: According to leaks from Jerusalem Sunday, a decision has been made for an extensive military action, and a ground operation is not out of the question. At this stage, … Continue reading

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The problem with the world viewpoint on Israel

Here is the problem with the world’s viewpoint on Israel in a nutshell. What part of this definition don’t the media organizations understand? a military order to cease firing a suspension of active hostilities Apparently, all of it. Hamas says … Continue reading

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