Category Archives: Hamas

The news AP doesn’t tell you

China’s Xinhua news agency is pretty anti-Israel, but it gives you the news that the AP won’t. For instance, a few days ago it carried a statement by Hamas that they would never, ever recognize Israel—statements that the AP seems … Continue reading

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Haveil Havalim

Our very own Soccer Dad is hosting Haveil Havalim, a.k.a. Carnival of the Jews. If you like this blog, you’ll like the posts in the carnival. Go check it out.

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Hamas’s no-cost triumph

Jonathan D. Halevi on what Hamas accomplished. Hamas’ motives have nothing to do with “distress,” but rather with “opportunities” – that is, the objectives it seeks to attain in the international arena and especially in its own internal political arena. … Continue reading

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The uncontrollable terrorist lie

Time and again, year after year, terrorist leaders, political leaders, and hand-wringers around the world would insist that there was no way to rein in terrorist groups. They’re uncontrollable. Hamas can only control Hamas terrorists. Yasser Arafat could only control … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media Bias, Terrorism | Tagged , | 7 Comments

Hamas handed victory

Griffe Witte reports in the Washington Post, As Israeli Siege Strangles Gaza Strip, Hamas, Smugglers Profit Off Tunnels.Despite the title, and some silliness in the beginning the article is, overall, rather informative. For all the talk of the “strangling” of … Continue reading

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Keep on firing

Meryl charged that last week’s “work accident” would quickly fade down the memory hole and showed it happening. Update: And now (2:23 p.m. timestamp), all mention of the explosion is gone from AP updates. Move along, nothing to see here. … Continue reading

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The media bias, lessening?

Soccer Dad points to a few bloggers who think the AP media bias against Israel may be easing. I’m not nearly as optimistic as they are, and here’s why. Watch the change in versions as the day progressed. The first … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Make their fears come true

A few weeks ago Moshe Arens observed: But once the Israel Defense Forces and the security services began to seriously tackle Palestinian terror, following the massacre at the Park Hotel in Netanya in the spring of 2002, it quickly became … Continue reading

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Explosive narrative

The NYT reports:Disputed Blast in Gaza Kills 5 Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza, initially blamed an Israeli airstrike for the blast, and it fired a hail of rockets and mortar rounds at Israeli towns and villages around the … Continue reading

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Bombardment of Israel continues while Olmert fiddles

The daily bombardment of Israel continues. A 59-year-old Israeli woman was lightly-to-moderately wounded in the Yad Mordechai area on Thursday afternoon as Palestinian terror groups launched a barrage of mortar shells and Qassam rockets against Israeli communities near the Gaza … Continue reading

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Stayin’ Alive

The Washington Post reports that Israel’s Olmert Clears Way for Party Primaries. Under an ethics cloud and facing the possible collapse of his governing coalition, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Wednesday cleared the way for his party to hold … Continue reading

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Bombardment of Israel continues

The daily bombardment of southern Israel continued as more Israeli civilians were injured by randomly-fired mortars. That’s two dead and eleven wounded in the last week and a half. A fire also broke out in the factory that was hit. … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Democratically-elected govt. of PA bombards Israel

The democratically-elected government of the Palestinians fired 18 mortars and four kassam rockets at Israel today, in an attempt to prove that war means peace. That’s right, they’ve threatened that if Israel doesn’t make peace, Hamas will make war on … Continue reading

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Letter from Shalit: Still not proof of life

There’s no telling when the letter was written, at least, not according to anything in the news, but Gilad Shalit’s parents did receive another letter from him. The parents of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, who was taken prisoner by Hamas … Continue reading

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Proof of Shalit’s death?

Funny how Hamas hasn’t managed to fulfill its promises to Jimmy Carter, the mediator extraordinaire who went to Gaza and declared Israel to be the criminals, not Hamas. Captured IDF soldier Gilad Schalit has still not written the letter Hamas … Continue reading

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