Category Archives: Hamas

Sophomoric oxymorons

A few years ago Thomas Friedman wrote a column, “Wanted: Fanatical moderates.” It was advocating the Geneva Accords, a PR exercise undertaken by Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo and a number of others. The point of the exercise was … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged | 4 Comments

Media hyperventilation watch: IDF heading for Gaza

It looks like the IDF is going to go into Gaza, as has been discussed for months. The 60th birthday celebrations are over, George W. Bush’s visit is done, Olmert has been to the U.S., and Hamas refuses to stop … Continue reading

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Today’s AP media bias, with UN equivalence thrown in

So the post from this morning that I told you to watch the updates on as the day goes by? Here’s the first version, timestamped 9:05: Palestinian girl, Israeli killed in fighting Hamas militants fired a barrage of mortar shells … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

People all over the world, join hands

People all over the world, join hands Start a love train, love train People all over the world, join hands Join a love train, love trainAll of your brothers over in Africa Tell all the folks in Egypt and Israel … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel, Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Democratically-elected govt. of Palestinians kills another Israeli

The Democratically-elected government of Hamas just killed one, and injured five Israelis in another mortar attack. A 52-year old man was killed Thursday morning when a mortar shell fired from northern Gaza landed in Kibbutz Nir Oz, located within Eshkol … Continue reading

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Fulbrights and qassams

Israel’s DM Ehud Barak announced that the siege of Gaza is working: Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday said that Israel has identified signs of distress coming from Hamas. According to the defense minister, some 70 Hamas fighters have been … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

State Dept. clueless on terrorism

Bad enough the State Department has mandated the banning of jihad, jihadi, and Islamic terrorist. Now they’re trying to tell Israel that isolating Hamas has made it stronger. No, isolating Hamas without hunting down and killing its leadership has made … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Fullbright followup

The other day it was reported that the State Department was canceling 7 Fulbright scholarship to students in Gaza. Given the way the story was reported, it looked like a pretty obvious attempt of the State Department to embarrass Israel … Continue reading

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More anti-Christian attacks in Gaza

Hamas’ lies about respecting Gaza’s Christians continue to be exposed, and ignored by the world. A Palestinian human rights group says assailants have beaten up guards and stolen a bus from a Christian school in Gaza. The Palestinian Center for … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Religion | Tagged | 4 Comments

Full of fulbright

Four and a half years ago three Americans were killed as they crossed into Gaza: From the wreckage, it appeared that the explosion had occurred directly beneath the driver’s seat of the second of three American vehicles, ripping off the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The constant AP anti-Israel drumbeat

How many anti-Israel stories can one news service publish in a week? Depends. How many stories on Israel or the Palestinians did the AP publish that week? Here’s a new one: Mean, horrible Israel is causing eight Gazan students to … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The Syria-Iran axis

Syria has no intention of giving up ties with Iran, no intention of giving up support of terrorist groups in and out of the Palestinian terrortories[sic], and therefore, no intention of the much-touted “land for peace” solution to the Golan … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

War and peace

Now, I am far from an expert on Lebanon, and I’ve been reading Tony Bey and the others who know a lot more than I do, but I have a suspicion that this cannot be at all good: Hizbullah strikes … Continue reading

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Palestians to Hamas: Don’t recognize Israel

You know the conventional wisdom that keeps saying that most Palestinians don’t agree with Hamas, and that they want peace with Israel? Not so much. (Angus Reid Global Monitor) – The majority of people in the Palestinian Territories are against … Continue reading

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Israel’s five major threats

Ha’aretz interviewed director of Military Intelligence Major General Amos Yadlin. Here are his thoughts on the threats Israel faces: According to Yadlin, Israel faces five threats: Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The intelligence picture that Israel has about … Continue reading

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