Category Archives: Hamas

Why the rocket attacks are hitting more people

Here’s a puzzle for you: What happened in the last few weeks that would have changed the effectiveness of the “crude, homemade rocket” attacks from Gaza? Here’s a hint: The destruction of the Egyptian border. Here’s another hint: The entrance … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Democratically elected govt. of PA murders Israeli man

Hamas claimed responsibility for the salvo of kassam rockets that killed a man who was committing the crime of sitting in his car. A Israeli college student was killed on Wednesday after a Qassam rocket landed in a parking lot … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias, Terrorism | 3 Comments

The news the mainstream media won’t give you

A ten-year-old boy nearly lost his arm in a kassam rocket attack yesterday. A mother and one-year-old infant were also hurt. Bet you didn’t know either of these facts. Because the wire services choose not to highlight Israeli casualties of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 5 Comments

Into the breach again?

Before the Hajj started, Elder of Ziyon noted: Now, Palestine Press Agency reports that Hamas is planning to embarrass Egypt into opening Rafah by demolishing the wall near the crossing and forcing Egypt to directly stop the pilgrims from going … Continue reading

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Hamas may try to breach Israel’s border

There’s going to be a demonstration in Gaza tomorrow. And under cover of that demonstration, Hamas may try to use the weapons it smuggled through the downed Rafah border fence—against Israel. Palestinian officials on Sunday announced that they intend to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 1 Comment

Encouraging Hamas: EU cause and effect

The European Union is encouraging rocket attacks on Israel. How? By emphasizing Israel’s actions taken in self-defense, and minimizing the acts that cause them. The EU passed a a resolution that effectively blames Israel for closing Gaza without really attaching … Continue reading

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Green flags

This is the funeral of Shadi Zghayer and Mohammed Herbawi the two terrorists who launched an attack in Dimona two weeks ago. Israel returned their bodies to their families in Hebron for burial. (Despite my suspicions at the time, they … Continue reading

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Terrorists to southern Israel: Evacuate or die

Terrorists are now bold enough to publicly warn Israelis to leave southern Israel. Why is that? Because Olmert has not done anything to stop the rockets from flying. The Popular Resistance Committees called on the residents of Israel’s south to … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 7 Comments

Health, education and welfare – Hamas style

I wondered about this report when I first read it. An Israeli missile hit a school in Beit Hanoun, killing a teacher and wounding three pupils, hospital officials said.Two of the wounded were initially identified as fellow staff members but … Continue reading

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Hamas steals food from aid organizations

The democratically-elected terrorist government of Gaza has just stolen truckloads of aid from the Palestinian Red Crescent. Hamas policemen seized a convoy of humanitarian aid bound for the Palestinian Red Crescent on Thursday evening, the second convoy it has taken … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 2 Comments

The Hamas war with Israel: First, kill the children

The rocket fire from Gaza, which is now being claimed proudly by the democratically-elected government of the Palestinians, has wounded more children in Israel, and nearly killed some on their way to school. Because that’s the tactic that the terrorists … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 3 Comments

Democratically-elected govt. of PA fires rockets into Israel

(NOTE: This post was scheduled to go up yesterday. There have been many more attacks since then. There will be new posts about them.) The democratically-elected government of Israel—the people that Jimmy Carter and the EU think Israel should negotiate … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Closing the barn door

The Washington Post reports Egyptians Reseal Border, Cutting Access From Gaza Egyptian construction workers in blue hard hats rolled barbed wire across the last breaches of the Gaza Strip’s border wall with Egypt on Sunday, reasserting Egyptian control of the … Continue reading

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Did hamas lose?

Barry Rubin writes in “Hamas’ phony victory” Imagine a very secret meeting held somewhere in the Gaza Strip. Around a table sit various Hamas bigwigs and their leader makes the following speech:”Ök, here’s the plan. We’ll wage war on our … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Crossing Rafah

Steven Erlanger reports Israel Vows Not to Block Supplies to Gaza. So apparently in an attempt to help control the chaos on the Gaza-Egypt border Israel intends to keep a steady flow of necessities going into Gaza so that Gaza … Continue reading

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