Category Archives: Hamas

Between Rafah and Hamas

via memeorandum.Gazan masses foil attempt to seal off Rafah border Some Egyptians were also worried that Israel would exploit the situation to try to “drag” Egypt back into the Gaza Strip.Husam Sweilem, a retired Egyptian army general, voiced concern that … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

The Hamas border breach: Planned for months

That “spontaneous” response to Israel cracking down on terrorists in Gaza? Not so much. Hamas has used the border breach – which was carefully planned, with militants weakening the metal wall with blow torches about a month ago – to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 1 Comment

Fueling the libel

Gaza is supposedly in darkness. USA Today reports: The exiled leader of Hamas appealed to Arab leaders and his rival, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on Sunday asking them to forget their differences and help the beleaguered Gazans, who saw Gaza … Continue reading

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Closing Gaza

Ehud Barak has ordered the complete closure of the Gaza crossings—at least, the ones controlled by Israel. I’m quite sure that Egypt will do whatever it wants. At present time only authorized personnel and goods are allowed through the crossings, … Continue reading

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Rocket barrage hits Israel, media buries story

You would barely know that 41 kassam rockets were fired into Israel on Tuesday, and another 30 so far today. You would barely know that there’s been another civilian injured. You would barely know this because the media are suppressing … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Media Bias | 8 Comments

More Palestinian war crimes

The “cycle of violence” yesterday: Terrorists in Gaza murdered an Ecuadoran volunteer, firing at him while he worked in the field at a kibbutz. The IDF attacked a group of Hamas terrorists, killing at least a dozen of them. Mahmoud … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias | 4 Comments

Hamas is no longer pretending they’re not Jew haters

The IDF took out another half dozen terrorists in Gaza, including four Hamas members, who were probably one of the groups on patrol that the Times profiled. Six Hamas and Popular Resistance Committees gunmen were killed in a pre-dawn Israeli … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Hamas | 3 Comments

Kassams vs. the IDF

Palestinian Islamic Jihad is missing a few terrorists today, thanks to the IDF. A series of attacks launched by the IDF in Gaza Thursday has claimed the lives of at least eight militants, including Mohammad Abu Murshud, head of Islamic … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 1 Comment

As Israel deals for Shalit, the rockets fall on Sderot

How do you reconcile negotiating for the release of a kidnapped soldier on the one hand—with the probability that hundreds of convicted terrorists will go free to terrorize more—with the fact that rockets are raining down daily on Sderot. Nine … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Kidnapping works: Releasing murderers

Israel is caving on an issue where she has caved before: Olmert is going to allow Palestinian terrorists who were involved in murdering Israelis to be swapped for Gilad Shalit. He is signaling Hamas and Hezbollah that their tactic of … Continue reading

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Spinning the Hamas truce call

Two days ago, I wrote this: The spin will be that Israel doesn’t want the truce. Toldja so. Olmert Rules Out Truce Talks With Hamas Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday ruled out cease-fire talks with the Gaza Strip’s Islamic … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Terrorism works: Sderot residents want out

Proof that Hamas will not stop the rocket fire on Sderot: It’s working. About 64% of Sderot’s residents said they would leave the Qassam-stricken city if given the chance, according to a new poll conducted for Yedioth Ahronoth by the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 1 Comment

Israel to Hamas: Stop the rockets, then we talk

Israel is finally refusing to fall for the usual terrorist line of a cease-fire once the terrorists are on the run. First, Ehud Olmert denied that he was considering a truce with Hamas. Now Shimon Peres told Hamas that there … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas | 2 Comments

The Israeli Intelligence Estimate: No war on the horizon, yet

The Israeli Intelligence Estimate is being previewed by Ynet. Some of the more interesting tidbits: Israel’s strategic position has improved in the last year- but with it also the military capabilities of its enemies: the Qassam threat has worsened- and … Continue reading

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Hamas to Israel: We will destroy you

Hamas celebrated its twentieth anniversary by assuring Israel that Hamas will never, ever recognize the Jewish State, and also, Hamas will never stop trying to destroy it. Large pictures of Hamas leaders, both in Gaza and in exile, were draped … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas | 4 Comments