Category Archives: Hamas

Wishing and hoping Hamas will change

The world in which diplomats live is not the same world in which you and I live. These people think that wishing and hoping Hamas will change is going to change them from terrorists whose charter stipulates that a Jewish … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments

Gazans afraid of Hamas

I’m never going to get tired of posting about this. The Hamas op-ed that made the rounds of the major U.S. newspapers: “Palestinians want, on their terms, the same thing Western societies want: self-determination, modernity, access to markets and their … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 2 Comments

Hamas and Fatah, together again?

Hey, the open terrorists are talking to the ones pretending not to be terrorists. What a great deal for Israel! Fatah and Hamas have agreed in principle to launch a secret dialogue in Cairo, the London-based Arabic-language newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Proof of life: Right idea, wrong partner

Benny Regev wants to make proof of his brother’s life a requirement for a peace conference with Mahmoud Abbas. “Ehud Olmert, demand a sign of life of the captives before the peace conference in November, and make this demand a … Continue reading

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Hamas’ war against Israel

Hamas is targeting Israel every which way it can. Hamas targets the border crossings, thus making sure that Israel keeps them closed—because it’s been proven time and time again that Palestinians don’t care if civilians die as a result of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Rotten to …

In “The Mideast Core” The editors of the Washington Post argue Ms. Rice should also discourage Israel from intensifying the ongoing conflict with Hamas-ruled Gaza by shutting off its electricity and fuel supplies. It’s hardly possible that Mr. Olmert will … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Score one for the IDF

Hamas and the PFLP have been working triple overtime to murder innocent men, women, and children, preferably in a shopping mall or on a bus. The IDF has been racing against the clock trying to get one specific terror cell … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Israel ups the ante against Hamas

Israel has declared Gaza a “hostile entity.” One might be tempted to call that a keen grasp of the obvious. One might be right. The security cabinet voted on Wednesday to declare the Gaza Strip a hostile political entity. The … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 4 Comments

Democracy, whiskey, sexy

but not in Gaza For years, the seaside Flower of the Cities resort was that rare place in the Gaza Strip where the dress code did not rule out bikinis. Now, with some of its cinder-block cabanas turned into prayer … Continue reading

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And now, the calls for restraint

Once again, the world shows that Jewish blood is cheap to them. Israeli politicians and defense officials have been calling for a more aggressive Israeli response to the near-daily rocket barrages out of Gaza. Attacks last week on the frequently … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time | 4 Comments

NY Times notices Hamas brutality

Now that it’s journalists being beaten, the Times (and the Times-own IHT) is noticing that Hamas is beating Palestinians when they don’t like what they do. During the first Fatah protest rally at Friday prayers here late last month, a … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Shalit’s kidnapper kidnapped

Jews are wicked funny. We really are. A group of undercover Israeli soldiers disguised as Arabs on Friday kidnapped a senior Hamas member of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing, near the Rafah crossing in the Gaza Strip, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 10 Comments

Sderot: one more step towards ghost town

I could be somewhat obsessed about this, but here it goes again: “We have decided to make Sderot a ghost town,” said a spokesman for Hamas who gave his name as Abu Ubeideh. “We are not going to stop launching … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 7 Comments

Hamas shows world it believes in freedom for, well, Hamas

Another protest, another beat-down by Hamas, and more reporters wounded and forbidden to report. Just another normal day in Hamastan. A protest by Fatah supporters against Hamas rule turned violent Friday when Hamas men began forcefully dispersing the crowd, firing … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 2 Comments

Much ado about Meshaal

It is not to say that journalists shouldn’t pursue an interesting story where they can. And interviewing Khaled Meshaal, the under-assassinated head of Hamas, is a good story. This article, however, is almost totally devoid of anything new, aside of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments