Category Archives: Hamas

Media bias: Only on days that end with a y

If the day ends with a “y,” you can be guaranteed at least one biased media piece on Israel. Like this one. 3 Hamas Militants Slain Near Gaza Border Notice how the Palestinians did not “die,” as they did in … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas | 1 Comment

Open the gates of hell watch

We haven’t had a threat to open the gates of hell in quite some time, so I thought I’d give you the latest one. Anticipating Israeli military action, Hamas gunmen took up positions overnight near Gaza’s border with Israel, covering … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 5 Comments

Abbas asks for a do-over

It’s amazing, isn’t it, how if the IDF even looks at a Palestinian, it’s a violation of the “truce,” but Hamas can outright say they’re breaking the truce, and then a few hours later say “Well, not really,” and everyone … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Hamas admits there is no truce, media pretends there was

The faux truce, during which hundreds of rocket attacks, shootings, stabbings, attempted suicide bombings and suicide bombings killed and wounded dozens of Israelis, has been declared “over.” One might ask how a truce, which is defined as a cessation of … Continue reading

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Media bias, triumphant

So do you remember that red-on-red fighting in the terrortories that killed dozens and wounded hundreds? Or was it killed hundreds and wounded thousands? I forget. Remember how hard it was to find the kind of media blitz that you … Continue reading

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Hamas non-moderation watch: Toldja so

The guy voted most likely to star in the next remake of Planet of the Apes, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, said that Hamas will never, ever, ever recognize Israel. Because it’s against the Koran. Former PA foreign minister Mahmoud A-Zahar of Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 8 Comments

Hamas admits they kidnapped Shalit for prisoner exchange; world yawns

So it comes to this: Hamas can blatantly admit that it kidnapped Gilad Shalit in order to force Israel to release Palestinian prisoners from jail, and nobody so much as raises an eyebrow—and fully expects Israel to deal with Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 4 Comments

The Hamas moderation line, fisked

One has to wonder if the headline writer could keep a straight face writing this one: Hamas’ Moderation Claims Meet Skepticism Gee. Ya think? Of course, this article didn’t get nearly as wide an audience as the story of an … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Hamas, unchanged, unchanging, ever anti-Israel

The AFP has the balls to publish what the AP and Reuters usually downplay. RAMALLAH, West Bank (AFP) – Hamas’s exiled leader Khaled Meshaal vowed Friday that his organisation would continue to resist Israel and would not compromise its claims … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

The deal for Shalit

As usual, it’s a take-it-or-leave-it threat from Hamas. As usual, mass murderers of Jews are on the list of prisoners that the terrorists want released. As usual, there is a great fear in Israel that the Prime Minister will comply. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 7 Comments

Hamas: Unchanged murderers

I really don’t understand why Ynet says that the IDF prevented this suicide car bomb attack from happening when it’s clear that it was divine intervention, but at least there was no Passover Massacre this year: A major suicide attack … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Good news according to Guardian

First of all, it’s quite some time since I had my teeth in Guardian’s knee. Secondly, it is a rare case when a Guardian’s (or, rather, The Observer’s, if anyone cares) writer is in this win-win situation, when in one … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Hamas to world: We will never recognize Israel. Not. Ever.

Just in case you thought they were moderating—like the morons in Norway, for instance—Hamas wants you to know, NFW will they ever recognize Israel or give up their attempt to destroy the Jewish state. Hamas faction member Mushir al-Masri however … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

“Resistance in all forms”

These are the means of “resistance” that Hamas reserves for itself: DF soldiers on Sunday uncovered an explosive device weighing 7 kilograms (about 15.5 pounds) and a gas canister in a Palestinian’s bag at the Beit Iba checkpoint, west of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 7 Comments

A year later, the world does as expected

A year ago, any commentator on Israel with half a brain said that the world would ultimately deal with Hamas, even if Hamas didn’t actually change its stance in the least. Yep. It’s begun. Earlier Saturday, Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 5 Comments