Category Archives: Hamas

Surprise! Abbas paid Hamas salaries with tax money

Gee. You couldn’t see this one coming. A Hamas source said Tuesday that part of the $100 million in tax revenues transferred by Israel to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas went to pay security services, including members of a Hamas-led … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Hamas to Al Qaeda: Hey, we still want to destroy Israel! Honest!

You have to hand it to Hamas. The organization will clearly never get the hang of modern public relations. Stung by accusations by Al Qaeda’s Number Two accusing them of having gone soft on Israel, Hamas released these statements: The … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Hamas bans, destroys books

So, what do you think the Islamic Caliphate of Palestine would look like? I think it would look something like this: The Hamas-run Education Ministry has ordered an anthology of Palestinian folk tales pulled from school libraries and destroyed, reportedly … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Religion | 5 Comments

Co-opting the language, Hamas style

I’ve written before how the palestinians make it a habit of taking the terms and descriptions used by and for Israel (such as the Israeli Law of Return changed to the palestinian “right of return”) and co-opting them for the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments

The definition of chutzpah

Khaled Mashaal, the man who should have been executed as a terrorist leader but instead is feted in Syria and other Israel-hating nations, has told Noam Shalit, Gilad’s father, that the reason his son is still in the hands of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 4 Comments

In which we educate Tony Blair on why he cannot deal with Hamas

The Prime Minister of Britain is a fool, an idiot, or hopelessly naive. The UK has indicated it could be prepared to do business with the Islamic group Hamas, in comments that underlined the growing difference in approach between Europe … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Religion | 4 Comments

If a Quartet issues a statement that nobody likes….

The Quartet released a statement that can apparently be read in Humpty Dumpty-ese: “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone. “It means just what I choose it to mean – neither more or less.” … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

The new “unity” government

I don’t buy the new “unity” government. I give it three days, max, before Hamas says they’ll never, ever, ever treat with “the Zionist enemy.” Rival Palestinian factions signed a power-sharing accord aimed at ending months of bloodshed Thursday, agreeing … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, palestinian politics | 5 Comments

Hudna again – Hamas’ style

Reading this article on ZNN by Ami Isseroff, I was amazed to see how an adept spin master can trick even the best of them. By “spin master” I mean Ahmed Yousef, a senior adviser to the Palestinian prime minister, … Continue reading

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The Israeli press reports what the world press will not

Ha’aretz has an analysis of the current “violence” between the palestinian factions, and calls it what it is: Civil war. “Civil war” is an apt description for what is now taking place in the Gaza Strip. For a number of … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Hamas whines about bad press

Get this: The Palestinian Authority is failing to get its message through to the world because of “poorly qualified or unqualified spokespersons with inadequate political and linguistic abilities,” the Hamas English language website claimed in an editorial Tuesday. The editorial … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media Bias | 2 Comments

When your friends are asking questions

Al Bawaba, a Jordan – based publication with an English language outlet (London) is quite an anti-Israeli outfit. Even this Arabic media source feels a certain unease about the Hamas – Iran alliance. Take its article Hamas-Iran alliance—a blessing for … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Politics | 6 Comments

Say, EU, about that money to the pals…

So yesterday in Tehran, meeting with his puppet-master, Ismail Haniyeh, the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED Prime Minister of the PA, said that Hamas will never—that would mean, not ever—recognize Israel. Oh, and that they won’t stop fighting until Israel is gone and … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments

The more things change…

So, hands up, anyone who actually thought the Euros wouldn’t eventually consent to giving a murdering, terrorist organization that doesn’t pretend otherwise the same funding they were already giving, well, a murdering, terrorist organization that pretends it isn’t. Because, well, … Continue reading

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What part of “Hamas will destroy Israel” don’t you understand?

Once again, there are signs that the EU and the US are ready to ignore a terrorist organization’s outright admission that it will not stop terror until the state of Israel is destroyed. Once again, the world utterly ignores that … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments