Category Archives: Hamas

It’s official: Israel’s politicians are blind, deaf, and dumb

You’ve all heard the phrase, right? “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” Israel’s leaders are living it. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that she detected “signs of change” in the attitude of the Hamas-led Palestinian leadership thanks … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel | 3 Comments

Hamas violates its own truce; we are not surprised

So the truce is violated not just by Islamic Jihad, which we expected, but by Hamas’ own terrorists, which we did not. Of course, the excuse will arise that they were operating without orders, which begs the question as to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Human shields work – who wins?

Israel aborted planned air attacks on the homes of two militants Sunday after hundreds of Palestinians formed a human shield around the buildings in the Gaza Strip. This news run over the mass media like brush fire. Most of the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 10 Comments

Hamas, too stupid for words

Hamas is not an intelligent organization. All they had to do was lie to the world about recognizing Israel, or at least pretending to, and the money would have come pouring back. But no, their hatred of the Jewish state … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 1 Comment

Hamas puts America on notice: You’re next

So the terrorist organization that the world insisted would moderate after being democratically elected to head the Palestinian Authority, not satisfied with having killed hundreds of Israeli civilians, is gunning for American citizens now. Why? Because the U.S. supports Israel. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Rumors of war from the Syrian front

Syria is again threatening war: QUNEITRA, Syria: Syria could resort to armed resistance if peace negotiations fail to make Israel give back the Golan Heights, the Syrian Information Minister said Sunday. Mohsen Bilal said international negotiations should lead to Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Lebanon | 3 Comments

Hamas says: Women and children get shot first

The spin on the Gaza mosque incident will probably reach fever-pitch. Expect human rights organizations and UN condemnation—of Israel, of course. Not of Hamas, for using women as human shields to protect their terrorists. Witness the AP story: BEIT HANOUN, … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments

Another way to use women

No, this is not what you may think, you dirty-minded you… It is a creative idea by Gazan rocket scientists. It goes like this: First of all prepare and launch a few Qassams onto an Israeli city. In the name … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Look what the pals have learned!

They’ve learned how to lob missiles at Israelis. The armed wing of Hamas, Salah a-Din, claimed on Wednesday that it had shot a Nasser-1 short-range missile towards a settlement in the Nablus area. A statement released by the organization said … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 2 Comments

Open letter to Mr. John Karen

Dear Mr. Karen, I have received an unsolicited e-mail from your desk that I, with(out) your kind permission will partially quote here: FROM THE DESK OF JOHN KAREN. Manager,Credit and Foreign Bills of Coutts and Co. LONDON UK. My name … Continue reading

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Red on Red

Fateh nearly saved the IDF the cost of a missile Unidentified gunmen opened fire on security vehicles escorting Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh’s convoy through Gaza on Friday, but the Hamas leader was unhurt, officials from the Islamist movement said. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

News snarks

Reuters is reporting, well, news: Ohmigod! Reuters is reporting that Hezbullah used cluster bombs on Israeli civilians. Quick, write this down in your diary; you’ll never see its like again. Of course, the article spends about 90% of its words … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

What a great thing Israel left Gaza

It’s a wonderful thing—for the terrorists. The military wing of Hamas announced Monday evening that it had completed its preparations towards a possible all-out conflict with Israel should the IDF launch a ground offensive inside Gaza. A spokesman for the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time | 4 Comments

The AP finally gives up on “moderation”

Lookie, lookie. The AP has finally discovered what we’ve been saying for years: Hamas will never moderate. GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip Oct 14, 2006 (AP)— The U.S. government and Hamas agree on at least one point: More than half a … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Spin, spin, spin

The AP has recognized that Hamas won’t recognize Israel, but has yet to recognize that it is the key to the failure of the unity government. (Okay, the AP is actually pretending that Hamas may someday, possibly, could, in a … Continue reading

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