Category Archives: Hamas

Hamas plays coy

Hamas lies, the AP actually points that out! Continue reading

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The BBC wakes up to reality: Hamas says no to recognizing Israel

The BBC wakes up and realizes that Hamas will not recognize Israel Continue reading

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Hamas to media: What recognition of the Zionist Entity?

Hamas puts the lie to the two-state agreement Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 6 Comments

Bon Appetit, Mr. Ghalban!

This video gives another glimpse into the state of mind of the Hamas leaders. Apparently, after repeating the slogans several thousands times, the sloganeer himself gets hypnotized by the sound of his voice and starts to believe his own drivel. … Continue reading

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Gathering for battle

The IDF gathers for battle Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

The kidnapped IDF soldier: Updates

Cpl. Shalit is reportedly being held by senior Hamas terrorists. Abducted Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit is being held in the Gaza Strip by senior members of Hamas’ armed wing, a senior military intelligence officer said Monday afternoon. […] … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Giving the lie to the prisoner’s document claims

The palestinian spokesliars speak truth in the Arab press Continue reading

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More media lies on Hamas moderation

The prisoner’s document: More media lies about Hamas moderating Continue reading

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The tragedy on the Gaza beach

I am touching upon this subject with mixed feelings. There is no doubt that what happened is a tragedy, no matter who caused the death of the family: IDF shell or Hamas mine. The subject of an independent inquiry into … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 7 Comments

Gaza beach explosion: Mission accomplished

The Gaza beach explosion achieved its purpose: Hindering Israeli response Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Oh, really?

Hamas really knows how to unload gut-busters, don’t they? Here’s the latest rib-tickler from their spokesman, seeking to crack up the world press: Ghazi Hamad, spokesman for the Hamas government, said that Israel was trying to engineer a whitewash. “Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Civil War Watch

Abbas’ thugs shot at Fateh offices, so they fired back and killed a Hamasshole, and Hamas responds by rocketblasting a nest full of Abbas’ supporters: Earlier in the day, Hamas gunmen, attending the funeral of a colleague killed in a … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 4 Comments

Hamas ended the “truce” before the Gaza beach incident

Hamas broke the “truce” before this weekend. Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Ceasefire that never was

BBC (the new unbiased one) put up a question to the readers: The art of asking questions has not escaped BBC’s attention. To start with the so called “ceasefire” – which was one big lie to start with. Hamas never … Continue reading

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Hamas calls off pretend truce

Hamas calls off the pretend truce Continue reading

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