Category Archives: Hamas

So how’s that Arab Spring working out for you?

Say, remember all those people and pundits who said last year that the Muslim Brotherhood didn’t want to rule Egypt? Yeah, not so much. After firing the top non-MB generals and replacing them with one who has MB leanings, Morsi … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Middle East, Religion, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Friday, briefly

Uh-oh: There may be an October surprise for Iran. I would advise you to stock up on gas now, but storing gasoline is a really bad idea, generally. Maybe we should buy gold? That’s okay, the terrorists will just kidnap … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Tuesday snark briefs

The schadenfreude is simply delicious: Egypt moved to close Gaza’s smuggling tunnels, using heavy equipment and threats. Of course there are no outraged shouts from the anti-Israel crowd, because this is Egypt closing down Gaza, not Israel. But this is … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Israel Derangement Syndrome in full flower

Yesterday, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt blamed Israel for the terror attack in the Sinai. The fact that it was Salafis who murdered Egyptian soldiers does not seem to matter, as the Brotherhood found a convenient scapegoat: The Mossad. Egypt’s … Continue reading

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Monday, briefly

Awful: Looks like the piece of garbage that shot up a Sikh temple may have been a white supremacist, and thought he was killing Muslims. Because Sikhs wear turbans and many have darker skin. Asshole. Sikhism has nothing to do … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Hamas, Israel, Middle East, Religion, Terrorism, Writing | Comments Off on Monday, briefly

Thursday, briefly

Don’t look back, Turkey, the Kurds are gaining on you: The Iraqi Kurds have carved out a semi-autonomous region in Iraq. Syrian Kurds are doing the same. Can Turkey continue to control its Kurdish population with fear and force? I … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Facebook, Hamas, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Turkey | Comments Off on Thursday, briefly

Sunday, briefly

Oops: So much for that vaunted Lebanese technology. Didn’t we hear Chipmunk Cheeks bragging about how great the Lebanese weapons were over Israel’s? You know, while he’s in hiding in some undisclosed location for fear of a Hellfire missile with … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Politics, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Friday briefs

Is Assad on his last legs? Atrocity after atrocity occurs, and the world reacts with–strongly-worded statements. We’ve seen this happen, time and again. I’d like to know, however, why Libya was so urgent but Syria is not. Can our president … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism, United Nations | 1 Comment

Tuesday briefs

Why is this woman smiling? Because she’s escaping from those freaky scientologists: Katie Holmes has escaped the conditioning and is divorcing Tom Cruise. The Daily News is all over the story (which totally amuses me), including showing this one, showing … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, Pop Culture, scientology, Syria, United Nations | Comments Off on Tuesday briefs

Tuesday briefs

Massive fires in Jerusalem: Bastards have been setting fires all over since it’s the dry season, and they saw how much it hurt Israel last year. They haven’t declared this one arson yet, but it had two separate points of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Holocaust, Israel, Turkey, United Nations | 1 Comment

Monday Islamist briefs

Egypt, enemy, same difference: An Islamist won the presidency of Egypt. He’s already promising to “review” the Camp David Peace Treaty with Israel and increase ties to Iran. Also, Fatah is nervous as hell and Hamas is ecstatic. Awesome work … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East, palestinian politics, Turkey | 1 Comment

Sunday briefs

WTF is a “gradual” truce? Apparently, Hamas thinks it’s a truce if they shoot fewer rockets at Israel. And yet, Iron Dome intercepted five rockets last night–something it does only when the rockets are going to hit populated areas. So … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism, Turkey | 1 Comment

Thursday briefs

It’s a rocket-filled truce: The AP whitewashes and slants the story, as Hamas pretends to offer a truce while still firing rockets at Israeli civilians. And this used to be the lead sentence: After a deadly cross-border raid, a new … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism | Comments Off on Thursday briefs

Wednesday briefs

The real reason for the fence attack: Money. Ron ben-Yishai says Bedouins are ultimately behind the Sinai border attack, because their income from smuggling has dropped sharply as Israel builds the border fence. Gee, the poor things. They can no … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism, United Nations | 1 Comment

Monday briefs

But Israel should totally lift the Gaza blockade: PIJ terrorists killed an Israeli working on the security fence between Israel and Egypt. The Israeli’s name? Said Phashpashe. Think the AP will note that an Arab-Israeli was killed by Palestinian terrorists? … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Middle East, Terrorism, World | Comments Off on Monday briefs