Category Archives: Hamas

Must-see TV: Frontline on Hamas

Hamas is profiled on Frontline tomorrow night. Watch it! Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 2 Comments

Fatah and Hamas: Get your civil war on

The palestinian civil war is on Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Sweden says yes to terrorists

Sweden has no problem giving terrorists visas Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Hamas hypocrisy

Hamas calls for no attacks on border crossings days after they launched an attack on a border crossing Continue reading

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A fool and his money are soon parted.

Wafa Amr of Reuters is notorious for being a mouthpiece of Palestinian propaganda, but their latest blurt to hit the wires contains a very rare admission: The Hamas-led Palestinian government is weighing softening its stance toward Israel to ease isolation … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Hamas rejectionism watch: No recognition of Israel in sight

Hamas continues its rejectionist policy; world starts caving process Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

More Muslim persecution of Christians

Hamas wants the YMCA out of Kalkilya. Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Religion | 3 Comments

Human (Almost) Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch: Blame Israel, no matter what Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Are they terrorists moonlighting as cops or cops moonlighting as terrorists?

The announcement that the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority would be using the eternally-broke PA coffers to arm and organize terrorists into police and security squads should be no surprise at this point: The new Palestinian interior minister named a renowned militant … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Hamas Hypocrisy

The moment terrorist scum get hauled into court, they scream that the court is illegitimate, the justice system the court is a part of is illegitimate, and the country of Israel is illegitimate. Of course, when it suits their own … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

I thought they wanted to live in peace side-by-side with their neighbors?

Okay, so Hamas’ Foreign Minister Zahar confirmed then denied and then confirmed denying writing in his letter to Kofi Annan that Hamas wanted to live side by side in peace with its neighbors while specificially not mentioining Israel or accepting … Continue reading

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Media ignorance watch

The world ignores Hamas’ genocidal proclamations Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media Bias, World | 1 Comment

Hamas says they’ll never recognize Israel

Hamas says they’ll never recognize Israel Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Hamas admits they lie to the West

Hamas admits that it lies to the West Continue reading

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Loves / doesn’t love, loves / doesn’t, …

Hamas is search for a PC statement that will get them the Euro/US funding back. Continue reading

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