Category Archives: Iran

Friday briefs

So, how’s that 1701 working out for you? Hizballah is still targeting UN peacekeepers, this time probably for telling the world that the rockets fired last week were in violation of UNSCR 1701, which forbids arms and weapons south of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Lebanon, Media Bias, Middle East, Syria, The One | 3 Comments

Thursday lunchtime briefs

This is not the drone you were looking for: Loren Thompson writes in Forbes that the Iranians don’t have nearly as much of the stealth drone that they’re claiming to have. A telling comment: Iran is not broadcasting pictures of … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Middle East, Politics, Syria | Comments Off on Thursday lunchtime briefs

Wednesday finally got around to them briefs

Seriously? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? The Dorktator is disavowing having any control over his own armed forces–you know, the ones that are torturing and murdering children. Here’s the best bit of the interview: “We don’t kill our people … no government in … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Friday morning exhausted briefs

Yeah, you try driving to NJ and back in one day and see if you don’t get home late and tired, particularly if you have to stop four times on the way for your elderly mother, and then wait for … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Lebanon, Middle East, Occupy Wall Street, Syria | 2 Comments

Wednesday briefs

But Karl Vick said Hamas is moderating! Yeah, not so much. Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas is not serious about reconciling with political rival Hamas despite public statements to the contrary, a senior Hamas official said in an interview published … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, palestinian politics, United Nations | 3 Comments

Tuesday morning briefs

We don’t need no steenking international law: Iran is once again violating the code of nations (but I repeat myself). “Protestors” stormed the British embassy grounds in Tehran. The Brits are probably smart enough to have evacuated the embassy, what … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon, United Nations | 1 Comment

Sunday, briefly

Anti-Semitism is up in Australia: Quel surprise. It’s up in a lot of places this year. Between October 1, 2010, and September 30 this year, there were 17 physical assaults or property damage, 128 incidents of direct harassment and intimidation, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Monday afternoon briefs

So, are we still sending funds and technology to Lebanon, then? Hizballah has found CIA spies in its midst, and it makes you wonder: Did the technology we gave Lebanon in the past few years–the tech that helped them find … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, Middle East, Syria | 2 Comments

Friday afternoon briefs

Yeah, they have to blame someone for all the deaths: Iran says the IEAE is leaking information that is putting its nuclear scientists at risk of assassination–by Israeli and the U.S. Sure. Uh-huh. Okay. (Michael Ledeen says the explosions on … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Occupy Wall Street | 2 Comments

Late Thursday briefs

It’s been a busy day. Tomorrow, too. The toothless UN strikes again: Thanks to China and Russia, Iran’s nuclear program continues unabated. Well, except for the guys who keep getting assassinated and blown up, and Stuxnet and Duqu (does anyone … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria | Comments Off on Late Thursday briefs

Monday morning briefs

Good fences make good neighbors: Amos Harel writes how good fences are a good defense. Israel is building a fence along its desert border with Egypt. And the Syrian border has been improved: After Palestinian and Syrian demonstrators managed to … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, Middle East, World | Comments Off on Monday morning briefs

Sunday morning briefs

Seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY? Ynet is quoting Richard Silverstein, the insanely anti-Israel anti-Zionist blogger who hates all Jews who don’t want to take part in their own destruction? How much of an anti-Israel guy is this? So much so that … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Occupy Wall Street, Pop Culture | 1 Comment

11-11-11 briefs

Today is Veterans Day, and nephew Nate’s birthday, which he is celebrating by leading services today and tomorrow in honor of his becoming a bar mitzvah. Woots all around! The Obama doctrine strikes again: Dividends of Libyan chaos? SAMs in … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, Terrorism, United Nations | 2 Comments

The busy Wednesday briefs

Isn’t this that mixing of Church and State that liberals hate so much? Seriously? The Obama administration is creating a tax on Christmas trees to fund a new department that will–determine how to better market Christmas trees. Because, you know, … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Tuesday briefs

You know, it isn’t a biased story if it’s true: The AP is covering Israel’s Haredi problems with women. It’s shameful. Women have been beaten, spit on, forced to the back of buses, and insulted. And the men doing it … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Iran, Israel, palestinian politics, The One, United Nations | 5 Comments