Category Archives: Iran

OMG! Israel’s going to attack Iran! And so’s the U.K.!

Told you they were blowing smoke. In fact, this story is full of holes. First, Israel has decided not to attack Iran–a point I’m making due both to direct knowledge and direct statements, a few of them made publicly, by … Continue reading

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Friday morning at the auto shop briefs

Nobody told me it’s still dark after 7 a.m. Okay, it’s a cold, wet, rainy day (shout-out to the NYC #OWSers!), but still…. Well, this is different: An Iranian soldier whose parents converted to Islam to save their lives wants … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, United Nations | 2 Comments

Wednesday Briefs

Muslims appropriating Jewish symbols, Holocaust version: They’re using yellow Stars of David to protest “Islamophobia” in Switzerland. Disgusting? Of course. Will that stop them from doing it again? No. Not until someone starts calling them Zionists or something. Well, that’s … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Iran, Israel, Turkey, United Nations | 1 Comment

Thursday briefs

The first post-Gilad grad rocket: No one was hurt. The question is, how is Bibi going to respond now that there are no Israeli hostages in Hamas’ hands? I’m sure this is a test to see what would happen. And … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Jew Cooties, Middle East, Terrorism | Comments Off on Thursday briefs

Sunday, briefly

Oh, please. Israel is raaaacist: Chinese Jews feel more at home in Israel than in China, but never forget, Israel is a racist, apartheid state. What’s that? Only Palestinians count when you call Israel racist? Yeah, we knew that. (Now … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, Middle East, Politics, Terrorism | 3 Comments

The long weekend make-up briefs

Name one other religion that has to do things like this: 1,000-year-old Torah scrolls from Syria had to be smuggled out, one by one, in order to preserve our Jewish heritage from those who would deny and destroy it—like the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, Religion, United Nations | 1 Comment

Monday morning briefs

The difference between Israelis and Palestinians: Here’s the difference, in a nutshell, between the two cultures. The Palestinians revel in any destruction of Jewish holy sites. Israelis proclaim these actions criminal and vow to punish the perpetrators. Another day, another … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Middle East, Miscellaneous, World | 1 Comment

Tuesday briefs

But I thought Iran was anti-Zionist, not anti-Jew: Did you know one of the three American hikers illegally imprisoned by Iran was Jewish? Neither did I, until yesterday. The fact that the negotiators felt it was urgent not to let … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Turkey | 1 Comment

Monday morning briefs

Yeah, I’d have given Iran a royal one-finger salute: The hikers are free, gave a press conference, and still managed to criticize the U.S. position on Iran. I’d give the hikers a one-finger salute as well, the ungrateful idiots. They … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism | Comments Off on Monday morning briefs

Friday briefs

Say pretty please with sugar on top: Oh, well, then of course, Israel must do so. Islamic nations are demanding that Israel open its nuke plant to IAEA inspectors. Well, I demand that Islamic nations STFU on telling Israel what … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jews, Middle East, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Wednesday in briefs

Feminists for Palestinians: Working against their own interests. Israel just graduated its first female bomb specialist. And by “bomb specialist,” I mean the non-terrorist version of that job: One who disarms bombs instead of builds them. Compare Inbal Gawi to … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Gaza, Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, The One, Turkey | 2 Comments

Just in case you thought Mad Mahmoud wasn’t an antisemitic effer

Here’s what he told the WaPo the other day: Why do you insist on constantly denouncing Israel and make such provocative statements if you want to work with the West? If somebody condemns aggression, occupation — is that bad? And … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Middle East | 2 Comments

Your daily news briefs

Oh, I feel SO much better now: The Iranians aren’t going to create nuclear weapons because their ethics don’t allow it. Yes, really. They say so. So all those “death to Israel” demonstrations? The calls to erase Israel from the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, Middle East, Politics | 4 Comments

Labor Day briefs

Oh, shut up about so-called Israeli racism: The New York Times is running a front-page story on how Libyans are rounding up black-skinned Africans (and dark-skinned Libyans from the south) because they’re—wait for it—black. And all black men, apparently, were … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East | 1 Comment

Iran irked by errors in Qurans from China

This news item didn’t make the first pages of main newspapers and could have passed unnoticed: Iranian publishers are complaining that cost-saving plans to print Qurans in China are yielding embarrassing results: A slew of typos. The head of Iran’s … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Satire, World | Comments Off on Iran irked by errors in Qurans from China