Category Archives: Iran

Late Friday snark briefs

(Forgot to publish this on Friday, so you’re getting it now.) BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Egypt’s “Million-Man March” against Israel numbered—wait for it—in the hundreds. While organizers expected a large turnout for the “million-man” protest, only a few hundred gathered on the last … Continue reading

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Sunday snarks

Aw, c’mon, we want Israel to go bankrupt like the EU is going to! Tent cities in Israel are being replicated in Times Square (kinda sorta), where, apparently, Israelis and Jews alike are ignoring the warning signs in the U.S. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, Pop Culture, Syria, Television | 6 Comments

Friday, snarkly, briefly

But it’s the holy armistice time, or something: Say, remember when the media was all over the “You can’t war on Muslims during Ramadan! theme? Well, it’s Ramadan, and Syrian forces are shelling the crap out of Hama, especially during … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, Middle East, Syria | 1 Comment

Friday briefs

So how’s that outreach working for you, Obama? Iran is helping al Qaeda murder people all over the world. Awesome. Maybe Obama might want to put some preconditions on talking to Iran now, like, say, “Stop funding international terrorist organizations … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Lebanon, Media Bias, Middle East, Turkey | 1 Comment


Even MORE gas in the Tamar field: Yes, Israel is going to be energy self-sufficient. And yes, terrorists will try to blow up the pipeline. And in other minor news, 1 million Syrians can’t be wrong: That’s how many came … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria, United Nations | 2 Comments

The post-holiday briefs

You could not get a better definition of irony if you tried: A motorcyclist in a ride protesting New York’s helmet law, and thus driving without one, crashed&mdas;and died when he hit his head on the pavement. Note to any … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Iran, Israel, Middle East | 1 Comment

Friday pre-holiday briefs

UN extends mandate of peacekeepers who bailed on Syrian border incursions: I personally don’t see the point in extending the mandate of a group of peacekeepers who flee at the first sign of trouble, but then, I’m not European, or … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, Syria | 1 Comment

Hugo Chavez in critical condition?

Oh, I hope it’s true. He’s helping Iran put missile bases in Venezuela that can threaten the U.S. If he dies, the missile bases die. Here’s hoping.

Posted in Iran, World | 1 Comment

Jolly Roger strikes again – after a decent interval

I am sure that by now the subject has almost exhausted itself. After all, how can the two or three readers of this blog* be interested by the jolly Roger of NYT after a series of posts on same? But … Continue reading

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Lazy Sunday morning news roundup

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss: Fatah wants Fayyad to be the new PM of the PA. Wait for it… Wow, that was fast. Hamas told the PA they don’t want Fayyad as PM. Why? Because he … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria | Comments Off on Lazy Sunday morning news roundup

Monday news briefing

About damn time he got it right: Word is Obama won’t focus heavily on Palestinian-Israeli peace talks as an issue for his big Middle East policy speech this week. Perhaps someone finally noticed that even though the media narrative pushes … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Syria | 1 Comment

“Nakba Day” roundup, with extra added media bias

On the anniversary of Israel’s creation by the United Nations 63 years ago, the Arabs are still unwilling to accept the Jewish ties to the land of their origin. Mahmoud Abbas says he will never back down on the “right … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

Tuesday briefs

What? Mention Israel’s Independence Day without reference to the Palestinians? That wouldn’t be AP. Yep. “Nakba” reference at the end of the AP story on Israel’s Independence Day. Because it’s all about the Palestinians, who turned down a state in … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Late Thursday briefs

Awesome. Hamas just keeps on digging in that deep hole: Now the bin Laden killing is an “atrocity.” No, it was justice, asshats. Something that we all hope for the leaders of Hamas to experience someday. That’s funny, I thought … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Wednesday not-yet-sick-of-matza briefs

Because it didn’t work, that’s why: Mahmoud Abbas says he won’t go for another armed intifada. Not because it would be wrong. But because it failed spectacularly, causing Israel to re-occupy the areas of the West Bank that were under … Continue reading

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