Category Archives: Iran

Tuesday morning snarks

The definition of hypocrisy: Iran is calling the Dubai assassination “Israeli terror.” Because gee, Iran never blew up a Jewish community center, an army barracks, or murdered Iranian expats in other nations. Israel eliminated a terrorist murderer arms supplier. One … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, News Briefs | 1 Comment

Afternoon funny

Jon Stewart on the Iranian space program.

Posted in Humor, Iran, Television | 2 Comments

Liveblogging the Iranian protests

Here is one site that is constantly updating. And here’s another. That Iranian punch may be to the Mad Mullahs faces, not the West.

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Sunday Snarks

Israel, you’re goin’ down! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Khameini said that “with God’s help,” Israel would disappear. Well, then. We’ve got nothing to worry about, because I’m pretty sure God isn’t that Allah dude. The sky is falling, Jordanian style: Yet … Continue reading

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Friday briefs

Awesome! The Mossad takes out a major Hamas murderer: Looks like the man who planned the kidnapping and murder of two IDF solders (among other murders) is now receiving his 72 raisins. His brother says he was electrocuted by someone … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Germany vs. the denier

Barry Rubin on how the administration has mis-handled its policy towards Iran: First, the administration set a September deadline for instituting higher sanctions and then, instead of following a two-track strategy of engagement plus pressure, postponed doing anything while engaged … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | Tagged | 4 Comments

Thursday pre-snow snarks

Will it snow? Won’t it snow? I don’t know. They say so. (Let it snow. I have a Jeep, and I’m here to drive it.) Europeans are big fat liars: So, they say they’re cutting trade with Iran, and yet, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, palestinian politics, World | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Thursday pre-snow snarks

Wednesday briefs

Uh-oh—Jew cooties will cost this man his job: An Iranian shook an Israeli’s hand at a trade fair. How long before he a) declares he never touched a Jew or b) resigns? (My money says as long as it takes … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Jew Cooties, News Briefs, Religion | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Monday morning sniefs

(Snark briefs) The passing of a righteous woman: Miep Gies, the woman who helped shelter Anne Frank and who saved her diary from the Nazis, died last week. She did not think she was a hero. “Imagine young people would … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Holocaust, Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Wednesday boxers

The Israeli war machine: Oh, you know that’s what the anti-Israel mob is calling it. Israel leads the world in bringing automation to the battlefield. The latest: the air mule, which will bring supplies in and wounded soldiers out of … Continue reading

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Tuesday snarks

Gee, that’s not suspicious at all: A bigwig in the Iranian race to nuclear weapons was killed in a bomb blast today—in Tehran>. You know, the real lesson to take away from this? Bombs work two ways, Mad Mullahs. They’re … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Religion | Comments Off on Tuesday snarks

Monday snarks

Of course he is: President Obama is reportedly on board with the latest insistence that Israel makes unilateral “goodwill gestures” while the Palestinians do nothing—which pretty much summarizes the entire peace process over the last few decades. The goodwill gestures, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel, Jew Cooties | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The double standard exposed: Iran v. Israel

Iranians are being murdered in the streets. The sister of Shirin Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel peace laureate who is not currently in Iran, was arrested and imprisoned apparently for the crime of being Shirin’s sister. The Iranians are beating protesters, … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, United Nations | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The mystery of the Israeli ambassadors

The rightosphere is abuzz with the news that all of Israel’s ambassadors have been called home for a conference. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman, will host a conference … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Iran’s cat’s paw

When I first read this analysis of Lebanese President Sa’ad Hariri’s trip to Syria, Lebanon Drama Adds Act With Leader’s Trip to Syria , I was astonished by its anodyne language. After all what was being described was the capitulation … Continue reading

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