Category Archives: Iran

Tuesday Snarky Newsy Briefsies

EPA to Americans: Stop breathing, you’re poisoning the planet! Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s “Greenhouse gases,” but it’s still CO2, and the science is not settled, no matter how many times the media and AGW adherents repeat that phrase. I would … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, News Briefs | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

The Iranian web: Mullahs ascendant

Iran’s president is on a South American tour, hoping to expand Iranian influence. Ahmadinejad’s good relations with Venezuela’s openly anti-American regime are well-known. As well as President Hugo Chavez, the Iranian leader has already nurtured relations with Nicaragua’s President Daniel … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, The One | Tagged | 1 Comment

The perverse equivalence

In a paper on how the term “apartheid” is being used to deny Israel’s right to exist, Robbie Sabel concluces: The Apartheid campaign against Israel has another revealing feature. It rarely deals with the massive abuse of human rights or … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel | Tagged | 3 Comments

Wednesday SNB

Ship with armed security team prevents hijacking: Wow, having armed security agents on board to fight off armed pirates stopped the pirates cold. Armed guards prevent piracy? Who woulda thunk it? And the pirates may very well be lost at … Continue reading

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Tuesday SNB

Israeli Double Standard Time: The AP kept using qualifiers like “Israel says” when covering the 500 tons of weapons discovered on a ship headed for Hezbullah. But there’s no problem whatsoever quoting Iranian newspapers as truthful sources when it comes … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Iran, Israel | 4 Comments

Wednesday SNB

DC Sniper snipes no more: Funny how no one manages to mention the words “Muslim,” “jihad,” or “Islamic” in all the news stories about Muhammed’s execution. And let us all say: Buh-bye! Wake me when they issue a UNSC resolution: … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 3 Comments

No evidence

In regards to whether UN has proof that Iran is smuggling arms to Hezbollah, after the Israeli capture of an Iranian ship bound for Lebanon, Yaacov Lozowick makes the mischievous observation: Try to imagine what the world would be like … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Snarkly, briefly, Israeli

Leftist Jewish group nobody ever heard of to Israel: Stop demanding that the Goldstone Report include actual, unbiased facts! Oh, this one’s rich. Hundreds of Jews have signed a letter telling Israel and the worldwide Jewish community to stop “vilifying” … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , | 1 Comment


Obama administration forces Honduras to let anti-Semitic nutjob back in power: So, the guy who said that Mossad agents were poisoning him is going to be back in charge of Honduras in some fashion, forced there by the United States … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Jews, News Briefs, The One, World | Tagged , | 5 Comments


The Gold Standard Debate: Oh, to be at this debate. Richard Goldstone v. Dore Gold at Brandeis. I hope they televise it. Go get ‘im, Dore! But the Gazans are living in crushing misery: The New York Times is calling … Continue reading

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Hamas’ truce cry: We’ll dismantle Fatah. Really, I just love the Fatah-Hamas relationship. It’s so good for Israel and the world. Here’s what a Hamas “spokesman” says about disarming: “It is easier to dismantle the Palestinian Authority than it is … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, News Briefs, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Briefly


Turk to Israel: No, really, we love you, you baby-killing bastards: Yeah, right. The Turkish producer of a film about Palestinians that depicts IDF soldiers murdering young girls for no apparent reason other than they’re Zionist child-killers says that just … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon, World | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Snarking

Once again on Mahmoud the Mad’s Jewish roots

The story is not, strictly speaking, new. The Jewish roots of so called Mr Ahmadinejad (Saburjian really) have been already discussed earlier this year. Of course, when The Telegraph gets on the subject, the waves are much higher than when … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Iran | 2 Comments

The AP: Nothing can’t be spun anti-Israel

You would think that the AP would give us a break on Yom Kippur. You would be wrong. Israel shuts down for Day of Atonement amid fears Alternate headline: Israel shuts down for Yom Kippur, amid fears of perceived Iranian … Continue reading

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Iran letter to the IAEA revealed!

I have received a copy of Iran’s letter to the IAEA, revealing the existence of a heretofore undisclosed (don’t you love the word “heretofore”?) nuclear plant that is only a year away from operation. Just remember, even Drudge doesn’t have … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Iran | Tagged | 3 Comments