Category Archives: Iran

Yes, it’s anti-Semitism

Exhibit A: The Egyptian minister of culture lost his bid to become the head of UNESCO, after a campaign that showed his viciously anti-Israel feelings, which he insisted weren’t anti-Semitism. How does he respond? By blaming “New York Jews.” “There … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Snark news briefs, good news edition

So many wonderful things, so little time. (Actually, there’s plenty of time; work’s done for the day.) Sucks to be you, Part 1: The anti-Israel (some might say “anti-Semitic” Egyptian minister of culture lost his bid to become the director … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, The One, United Nations | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Shimon Peres to schoolkids: Beware of Mad Mahmoud!

This is hilarious, and absolutely true: President Shimon Peres told schoolchildren in the north that “the prime minister will be demonstratively absent from a meeting with one of the most evil and horrible people of modern history, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Your morning snark

I know you are, but what am I? Ahmadinejad exhibits the grown-up attitude we’ve come to expect from the Holocaust Denier-in-Chief: He flips the bird to the world in response to the worldwide denunciations of his Holocaust-denying speech on Quds … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, The One, World | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment


Germans to Israel: Shut up if you want Gilad Shalit to come home. To be fair, he wants all parties involved to shut up, but really—this is what the mediator thinks is a necessary ingredient to getting Hamas to release … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Holocaust, Iran, News Briefs, palestinian politics, The One | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Netanyahu’s visit to Russia

There is much speculation as to why the Israeli Prime Minister would visit Russia secretly, renting a private jet to keep his actions quiet. He could be discussing Iranian weapons deals with Russia, as the story says: Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Monday SNB

Yeah, sure. And you’ve perfected the flying carpet, too: Iran says it’s developed weapons systems that will intercept stealth missiles. I think I can still hear the peals of laughter from the Pentagon over this report. Hamas backs off on … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Religion | Comments Off on Monday SNB

Sunday morning briefs

If you won’t meet with me, then I don’t want to meet with you! The Swedish foreign minister has canceled his trip to Israel after hearing that Benjamin Netanyahu was about to snub him. It’s good to know that the … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Iran, Israel, The One, World | Comments Off on Sunday morning briefs

Wednesday SNB

How to get around 1701: Say you’re supporting the Lebanese army. Iran is offering to shore up Hezbollah by selling arms to the Lebanese army. Since there is no UN resolution against arming the Lebanese army, I can see this … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, News Briefs, The One | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Tuesday Snark News Briefs

Oh, like we didn’t see this coming: The Palestinians are publishing it as if it’s true. The Saudis are pretending that they don’t believe it. But the Iranians? Of course the Jews are stealing Palestinian organs. There’s a Palestinian “eyewitness” … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Tuesday Snark News Briefs

Thursday SNB

He will fart in your general direction: Nicholas Sarkozy is threatening “severe” new sanctions on Iran if it doesn’t stop enriching uranium and trying to get the bomb. Yeah, like we haven’t heard that before. No! Not the dreaded letter … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Lebanon, News Briefs, Pop Culture | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Wednesday SNB

Human rights, shmuman rights: The U.K. is perfectly fine with backing an economic pact between Syria and the EU in spite of its “concerns” about Syria’s human rights violations. Because after all, the almighty Euro is more important than the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, Syria, Television, The One, World | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Monday SNB

Fatah old guard: Hey, we’re old, we’re rich, we’re corrupt, and we ain’t movin’: The old guard won’t let the young guard horn in on their territory. Not surprising; the old guard has its lovely villas in the West Bank … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, News Briefs, palestinian politics, Politics, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism | Comments Off on Monday SNB

Iran plane crash cause: Exploding bomb parts

The plane that crashed in Iran two weeks ago that killed everyone on board crashed because it was carrying arms to Hezbollah. According to the sources, the aircraft was carrying a large number of modern fuses composed of 2 kilograms … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Wednesday SNB

Weapons? What weapons? The man who organized the collection of thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition for Yasser Arafat was finally convicted by an Israeli court. He maintains that he was innocent, of course. He was just the guy … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments